Thursday, May 3, 2018

05/03/18 Pupdate

      Today was somewhat less eventful than yesterday but we still managed to have some new experiences.
I had Botox this morning (this is not a good time to be having daily migraines so I’m glad we stayed on schedule.  By Tues, I should be golden again) so Aunt Cindi came to stay with the pupsters.  I THINK I made it a little easier for her by getting up and getting ready before it was time for puppies to get up so I could keep them up and playing. They had just settled in for a snooze in the playhouse when she arrived.  They didn’t stay asleep though so they kept her entertained until we got back.
Before she left, I gated the puppies onto the deck, armed her with a can of squirty cheese and fired up the lawn mower.  Much as suspected, the puppies were unfazed by the lawn mower but very happy with the exposure to the squirty cheese ;-). I don’t want puppies/dogs in yards with people cutting grass but I want them to be able to be ok if neighbors are mowing or they are out for a walk and pass someone doing that.
They played a little more, played in the hose, had a nice lunch, we   and then settled in for a nap.  A new human came while they were napping out in the warm 
Shortly after she left, another new human came to meet them.  They were mostly pretty sleepy when she was here so they were cuddly and gentle for the holding.
After she left, we came inside for naptime.  We got up around dinnertime when some of the puppies were insistent that they needed to go outside to potty.  They’ve gotten pretty good at running across the room in a fairly straight path and heading out the door.  It’s pretty cute to have a herd of puppies stampeding across the room.
I made dinner more interesting by feeding them in the wading pool. (One of their former whelping pools).  It had some water in it from the hose play earlier in the day but that didn’t seem to slow anyone down. 
Didi and Mimi (aka Daddy and Carol) arrived this evening for a visit.  Cooper (their uncle by virtue of being my brother), their North American Shepherd came too but so far he has not interacted with the puppies.  Or acknowledged them.  I’ll probably keep them separated from him just to be safe - for him and them.
Tonight, I close the crate doors at least for part of the night.  Wish us luck.  Puppy breath to all. Nighty Nighty Nighty

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