Friday, May 11, 2018

05/10/18 Pupdate

Perching on top of things (the milk crate, the tote with the visitor shirts, the castle sandbox) is apparenlty what all of the cool puppies are doing these days.
We met another new person today and another new dog - a golden retriever puppy for the conformation evaluations.  
The puppies are getting cuter and smarter pretty much every minute.  Today, they had their toenails dremeled.  We didn’t even cut them first.  It took a little squirty cheese towards the end on some of them but they feel so nice much nicer now.
They really like the treat n train and if no big dog gets in the way, all 9 will run into the pen and jump over the little gate.  That’s seriously cute.  (Sensing the theme here?)
They got to hear a real thunderstorm today.  They paid no attention to it whatsoever.  The rain didn’t slow them down either (we were outside during some of the rain but not the thunderstorm, I did open the doors so they could hear it better though.)
I’ll try to take better notes tomorrow, for now I’m off to sing Soft Kitty and the 3 songs and tuck the pupsters into bed.  Nighty, nightym nighty. Puppy breath to all.

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