Saturday, May 26, 2018

05/25/18 10 Weeks Old!

                And one less at home.  My babies are leaving the nest at an alarming (to me) rate. 
We had another vaccine today.  The puppies kept screaming - for more turns.  The one getting the injection was too busy eating squirty cheese to care about the shot.  Some of them still have cheese in their hair.  I’ll give baths again in the morning.  I gave Stella (fka Red Velvet Cupcake) a bath but noticed that baths also involve squirty cheese so sometimes clean muzzles don’t last very long ;-)
The puppies were a little subdued this afternoon but wound up pretty well for some big playtime sessions outside.  We had a couple of storms with some big thunder (they looked up, I cheered and all was well). It POURED rain a couple a few different times, we only stayed outside long enough to be sure THEY didn’t care and then I was tired of getting wet so we came inside for some raucous play in the pen.
They are all apparently little interior decorators because they drag everyting around to their satisfaction.  The big purple fleece is out of the crate, upside down and a puppy is sleeping UNDER it.  Sometimes, they get under that or one of the beds and play bitey mouth with another puppy.  
When they do that and then go to sleep, I have trouble finding all of my puppies (and that number’s been dwindling dramatically over the last week).  Fortunately, they all pop right up when I call them,  Unfortunately, they don’t know the difference between the me calling and it being on video so I can’t listen to recording of adorable things they’ve done unless I am far far away (that doesn’t happen too often)
I fell asleep without finishing the post last night.  I took care of the puppies and since that’s priority number 1, I’m going to post it as is and go on with our next big day ;-)

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