Monday, September 22, 2014

Sept 22, 2014 9 Weeks Old

Fin, Tootsie and T2J (still looking for his new name) each had a good first night in their new homes.  I guess my time introducing them to crates and the bedtime routine is still well spent.  I'm glad it makes it easier on the new owners but I'm more concerned about the puppies' happiness.
Keeper (fka Kodiak) and Chipmunk had a good day.  They seem content enough to play with each other, the mamaBug, me and whoever else turns up.  They had some good naps and several good romps and a visit from Keeper's people this evening.  At least he's still here tonight.
I haven't made their pen any smaller yet, not certain I will before the little girly leaves.  It's a LOT more fun making things bigger for growing puppies than taking it down after they leave.  At least T2J will be nearby and I should see the others occasionally.
Happy 9 weeks birthday babydogs!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sept 21, 2014 Leaving the nest 1

It's been a busy few days, sorry about the lack of blogging. 3 puppies are on their way home (one is going to be a Villager so he went by way of puppy class).

Thanks to Vera and Kim for temperament evaluations yesterday. Hopefully they will make it home safely!

Posted By Blogger to Allyn Portuguese Water Dogs by the Blindchick at 9/21/2014 02:53:00 PM

Sept 21, 2014 Leaving the nest

I don't know what happened to the rest of this post last time, hopefully it'll all post this time!
TJJ with his new person.  We've caught another Villager!

Tootsie and her new Mama and Papa.

Fin (nee Turtle) and Tootsie (staying Tootsie) had good trips home.  TJJ went to puppy class and home but he's going to be local so it wasn't a long trip. I'm hoping all of them have good nights.
I've been hitting the Fudgesicles pretty hard but still miss my babies.  I try to console myself with them and their new families being happy but I still miss them.  This part is HARD!
Keeper (nee Kodiak) had a visit from his new people (and dog siblings) this evening but fortunately, he's not leaving until Tuesday.
I'm going to cuddle the last 2.  Nighty, nighty, nighty to all...  (They still have puppy breath)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

September 18, 2014 Pupdate

               Puppies made it through the night just fine again.  They were pretty good about going into the crates – probably because I put their bedtime snack in them.  I already had their baby blankies in there so I had to try to get puppies to go into specific crates.  Tonight, I will be smart enough to put the blankies in AFTER the puppies and then it won’t matter.  The girls are each in their own small crates, the boys are sleeping divided in the larger one but two of the girls are leaving Sunday (waaahhhh!!! I’m not ready!) so the remaining 3 will sleep in the smaller crates as they leave one by one.  Have I mentioned that I am NOT ready for them to leave?  I’m not but I never am.

               Older sibling Mila (one of the ones who just turned 2) won 3rd place in Open Bitch at the PWDCA National Specialty today.  We are proud of Miss MilaMoo for being a happy showgirl.

               I had to Fort Knox the gate in front of the door on the deck again today as they had figured out how to move it out far enough to squish through to come inside.  Smart little monsters and Oh So Cute when they come traipsing happily in to see what’s going on.  I’ve been carrying one, having one follow (of course I am varying WHICH one) as I take them outside/bring them inside and they are all pretty good at it as long as they don’t become too distracted by a big dog.  Even if they do, they come when I call so they are learning.

               They played with their new baby bumper some today but not up in the pond.  I’m hoping to take them up for a little swim tomorrow if the weather is as nice as predicted.  It’ll probably be the last chance I have to take all of them.  Saturday we are having evaluations and Sunday they start leaving.  I also have to print their puppy books soon.  The printer is not cooperating with my computer so I may have to find the cable and do it in there.  Kind of defeats the point of having a wireless printer though ;-(

               They had a big time with the food bowl that was turned upside down.  Pawing and nosing and pushing it around trying to get it turned right (I think, they may have just been playing inscrutable puppy games.)  At any rate, it was amusing to them and to me. 

               I have been feeding them all together but also putting down the bowl I mix the food in to let each puppy eat alone.  I have met puppies who thought they could only eat in a bowl with another dog and I don’t want them to feel that way when they leave.  I may get out the little bowls and feed them individually in crates tomorrow just to make certain.

               They are sacked out in the pen again.  It is getting close to time for nighty, nighty, nighty in their crates.  Puppy breath dreams to all…

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 17, 2014 Pupdate

               Another busy day in the life of the pupsters.  They slept well in their crates last night.  I worried myself (and apparently the MSU as well) in dreams all night because I was worried about them but they were fine.  They didn’t quite get the hang of running right out the door, they went out and then came back in to see what was taking so long and what that man was doing (the MSU came out while I was letting them out.)  No pottying in the crates but one of them (and I have no idea which one) peed a little on the floor when it came back to see what he was doing.)  I think they’ll do better tomorrow and I will be smart enough to take food out there AND come in the door I want them to exit.

               They played and played and took some naps and then I bravely left them in the pen and went up to wash my hair.  I didn’t have the monitor on but I would’ve heard the big dogs telling me if there was a problem AND the pupsters were settling in to nap at that time.

               Dog Cindi came (she hadn’t seen them in a week or more) and they were happy to greet her.  Then we went for a ride to the training building.  They introduced themselves to the tunnels and we had to take Tootsie off of the dog walk and they played crate games (they are pretty fond of meat broiled lightly with a little garlic.)  They even did the tunnel after it was curved (we weren’t sending them, they just found them interesting.)  I could hear them running through, it was pretty cute.  Apparently, there was also some resting in the tunnel.

               Tootsie demonstrated her hunting method for them, too.  She flops down as if she just couldn’t go another step (they actually commented that she must be tired) but she is really lying in wait.  As soon as another puppy (or sometimes a person) approaches, she’s pounces (although for people, she is likely as not to “assume the position” to be petted.)  She’s going to be fun.  They are all going to be fun.  For that matter, I’ve been having fun with them for weeks ;-)

               They let me go back up to nap again this morning.  I guess I might not have to get up as early with them but I’m afraid to risk it.  They go out and potty, eat and play a little and then are ready to nap.  It’s cooler and I’m sleepy so I bring them into the pen and go back to sleep until around 9.  Good puppies!

               I need to get the printer working so I can print their puppy books.  It is always a lot harder than it seems like it should be no matter which printer I use but I have most of the files together, I think.  I had to spend some time downloading Talking Books from the Bard site for my MeeMaw but the puppies were playing nicely outside at that time.  Nice of them to let me do that.

               They somehow knew that they wanted milk bones having never had them.  Since their mother regards them as second only to MEAT! in a Metal Bowl, I guess it shouldn’t be surprising but they were diving their heads into the box in Cindi’s van as we were trying to crate them.  So I gave them each a mini milkbone and they seemed to enjoy them.

               None of the puppies was car sick on the way up or back.  I was almost carsick before we got off the Creek but I managed not to hurl.  The Mama did a ride along in case she was needed but she wasn’t so she waited in the van.  She wasn’t too happy about that since we train in that building sometime and she likes to have turns but she wasn’t horrible.  She did feed the puppies again when we got home.  She’s down to 3 or 4  real times a day and then if she thinks they need to listen to her or come with her.

               Jack apparently missed me desperately because he is retrieving as if he hasn’t had a moment of exercise in the last 3 years and panting hard and nose punching the toy at me.  He is also dancing/running in place in his excitement.  We weren’t gone that long and he’s 12 and a third and it’s late (we didn’t even leave until close to his normal bedtime) but he’s convinced he needs to keep at it.  The pups are sacked out after a romp/potty in the yard and then some frenetic playing in the pen so I better give him a little more attention before we all go nighty, nighty, nighty…

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

September 15, 2014 Pupdate

               Have I mentioned that I like these puppies?  It bears repeating (over and over again.)  I did nighty, nighty, nighty about 11:30 last night and put them in separate crates near each other in the rubber room.  At some time in the night, one of them was fussing so I came down to check.  It wasn’t frantic “I need to go out” fussing so I sang the three songs again and she settled back down.  I came down a little after 7 and took each one out of their crate and outside and we made it outside with no potty accidents at all.  They did promptly do both outside.  Good puppies!

               I fed them breakfast and let them run around a few minutes and then brought them back inside since it was raining a little.  They settled down and had a happy nappy so I went back to bed, too.  I got to sleep for almost another hour!  Another reason to love these puppies.

               They have a definite predilection for after dinner mint. They also enjoy it after breakfast and lunch or just as a snack with a little dirt ;-)  It makes them smell interesting but I kind of like the smell of dirt and mint although I wouldn’t have thought to mix them with puppy breath.  Maybe there’ll be a market for that scent.

               They had a rousing game of musical turkey necks this afternoon while the big dogs looked on, there was a partial left when the MamaBug went out to feed them but she didn’t eat it.  Eventually, I think Jack did after the puppies came inside (via the dog door I had unblocked for him to go out to potty.)  They all come in the dog door if it isn’t blocked off.  Turtle and Chipmunk came in to help me run the vacuum yesterday (I guess carrying a puppy while I run the sweeper does help them not to mind it) and their mother played bitey mouth on the floor with them.  It is really cute when she plays like that with them.

               The MSU was weedeating today and not only was he in quite the carb – overalls, wide brimmed hat, ear protection and dark safety glasses – he had a weedeater going.  They still all ran over to the fence to see him.  Turtle and T2J moved back away after they greeted him and watched (not sure if they minded the sound or just like to keep a good view) but when he called each of them by their ‘name’ the right one responded.  Guess they have been listening ;-)  Everyone still answers to Pup, Pup, too.

               I redid the pen (higher ex pen and removed the smaller crates) and set the crates up by the door in the pool room so we’ll see how that goes tonight.  The big dogs won’t be in the same room as them but they will be together – side by side anyway.  And I’ll stay with them until they settle down.  Can you tell I am worrying about this?  I think I always worry about it and then it always goes fine but worrying is what I do.  They will have a straight shot out in the am and I won’t have to make them wait while I carry each one across the room.  I do think I’ll need to block off the rest of the pool room when I start letting them come in under their own steam.  I may take a few tries to just get one puppy per crate, too.  It’s all part of the fun.

               They heard more gunshots today.  I guess people are squirrel hunting but they may just be target shooting.  At any rate, it doesn’t bother the puppies.

               It seems like more happened today but we must’ve been too busy enjoying it to remember to report on it so we’ll go get ready to go nighty, nighty, nighty.  They usually have a last short burst of energy right before they sack out for the night.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Sept 15, 2014 8 Weeks old

               The puppies were very good last night.  Tootsie did have to go poop about 2am but I heard her on the monitor and we made it outside in time.  I plan to move the crates to the pool room either tonight or tomorrow night. That way we have a straight shot right out in the mornings and they won’t have so far to go to hold it.

               They were very good for their vet visit today and we have their first dose of heartworm ready to go.  They were rather sleepy when she got here and kept melting although they perked up pretty well for the squirty cheese and the cream cheese.  It was happy nappy time when she came.

               They have gotten really helpful gardening, especially pruning the mint and lemongrass in the planter box.  They like to aerate the Bermuda and help pull it out of the rocks as well so they are quite the little gardeners.  But they decided that they needed to actually get into the flower box to do the job right so they need baths before we went to the Box with Aunt Colleen.

               Turns out though, baths are wasted when one puppy pukes on everybody else as just before you pull in.  Fortunately, I had taken extra fleecy pieces and we could wipe it off after we had the puppies wrangled.  We should’ve taken an ex pen though.  It would’ve been much easier.  Eventually Bobby brought the crate in for us.  They found the people VERY interesting.  They weren’t really phased by too much except during the walkabout, Turtle was disconcerted at first by people jumping rope.  Aunt Colleen just held her so she could watch them and she recovered.  They didn’t flinch at the loud music or the dropping of the heavy weights but they did try to follow people as they went by.  Leashes were tolerable at time, intolerable at others and toys at others.  They did play with real toys and a water bottle some while we were there, too.  And ate a LOT of steak.  They added at least 8 new people to their list so we are up to 51 I believe. (My computer keeps restarting itself or crashing or something so the file is never where I can find it.  I can’t tell which autosave is the right one and then I seem to somehow save over the right one.  Or not but I can’t/haven’t taken the time to straighten it out.)

               They did not get sick on the way home from the box.  It lightly rained so they got to hear the windshield wipers and rain on the vehicle.  Oh and as we were getting ready to leave the box, a train came by fairly close and blowing the whistle so we made sure we stayed through that.  There was also a lot more traffic nearby than we normally encounter.  It was a big trip.

               Against all odds, they got even cuter today.  T2J went over the wall (short ex pen) twice this evening, once before we left and once after we came home so I definitely have to change out the ex pen tomorrow.  I think I’ll wait to move the crates to the pool room until I do that tomorrow.

               I’m going to get the babies ready for nighty, nighty, nighty.  They are sacked out after a big day and a VERY big evening so I may be able to get away with it all night.  I can always come get them if they need to go out before daylight. Puppy breath to all…

September 14, 2014 Pupdate

               The puppies, the Mama, the Mama’sMama, uncle Jack and I all wish the ‘old puppies’: Duchess, PAC, Caly, Bodhi, Lickety, Tucker, James, Waldo, Armada and Mila a very happy second birthday!  And a Happy birthday to Kit, too but I’ve known her more than 2 years so she’s more than 2 :-)  I can’t believe that those babies are almost 2 or that tomorrow, these babies will be 8 weeks old.

               We had big fun today and added another person to our list.  We practiced stacking on the table for someone to look at them and they got to eat steak (the Mama’s Mama’s choice treat for conformation.)  Aside from attempting to sit (that’s what we’ve been practicing) to get the steak, they did pretty well.

               When not the mama came home tonight, they all sat at the front of the crate until he came close and then they all flopped over belly up for tummy rubs.  He obliged, maybe that’s why they do that for him.

               I am going to sleep in the bed tonight with them in crates.  They are doing 1, 1, 1, and 2 right now and it was pretty quiet last night.    We did only get 3 poops at last call tonight but no one has been going during the night so we’ll see how it goes.  They need baths anyway, we are going to the box tomorrow evening.

               Nighty, nighty, nighty to all…



Cristi Fogus Wetherholt

Allyn Portuguese Water Dogs – Structure, Temperament, Drive...ALL IN!

AKC Breeder of Merit

Barboursville, WV


Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 13, 2014 Pupdate

Well bedtime went much better than I planned last night.  I started it a little early so they’d have time to play and potty and wear themselves down before regular last call time.  They were getting sleepy so I cuddled each puppy and crated it (we did 1, 2, and 2 last night).  Then I did the 3 songs and laid myself away as my MeeMaw would quote someone else as saying.  I checked the time and it was 11:10pm.  I did NOT get them back up then, we just all went to sleep and got up a little earlier this morning.

               It was cooler again today but it didn’t rain during the day (it rained during the night because everything was wet) so the puppies got to play outside a lot.  They had to come back inside for a few minutes Colleen and I went to get the ex pens for puppy class out of the building.  She carried two and I carried two and we little Little Hoss walk. He stayed right under foot the whole way.

               They played outside while Armada got his butt shaved.  He was going to the company picnic so he needed sprucing up a little.  Then I gave him a bath and conditioned his hair while the puppies tried to eat Colleen’s shoe laces.  She eventually gave up and removed her shoes.  I had been saving their toenails (perhaps I should rephrase that, I’m not saving toenails that I’ve removed.  I just let their nails get longer) so that we could dremel them.  We started with what we thought were sleepy puppies and I held them and gave them some cheese while Colleen did their nails.  We didn’t have trouble with the puppy we were doing, it was the 3 others (Tootsie WAS actually a sleepy puppy) trying to get into my lap with the one I was doing that made it difficult.  We didn’t take them down as short as we would regularly but we did grind some off of each nail.

               They’ve been wild puppies several times today but had some nice big naps as well.  And a few nice cuddles, too.  They can be very sweet when they remember NOT to put those teeth together in my skin ;-)  I’m going to do some cuddling before it’s time for everyone to do nighty nighty nighty again…

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sept 12, 2014 Pupdate

               Well, sleeping in crates started off really well.  And then I coughed and woke them up and some of them WERE. NOT. HAPPY.  SO I sang the songs and petted through crates and soothed them and let opened the doors.  Some of them stayed in, some of them came out and when they went back to sleep I put them back in.  I opened the doors again before time to wake up.

               And they must have rested well because they were WILD this morning.  Turtle has absolutely no hesitation about using the dog door to come back inside when she so desired.  I have resorted to attempting to block it off but they are pretty persistent.  They will cross a downed baby gate.  Actually, they will use a downed baby gate as play equipment. 

               After I carried Turtle back outside twice.  And brought her back inside the fence after she went wriggled herself out through the little gap by the back gate - they pulled down the crate divider panel I put there, I have since fastened it on so now none of us can use that gate without undoing it ;-).  After those things, I carried their linens into the laundry room and they came flying in with me.  They proceeded to absolutely run amok.  They discovered the toy stash and helped themselves.  They snatched full shampoo bottles and carried them around until I could get them back (apparently with soft mouths since they didn’t puncture any.)  They also snagged Jack’s old life jacket, a swimsuit, and wriggled into the closet to get to the skateboard (apparently they liked it the other day) but could only spin the wheels, and various other items.  The BIG winner was the cardboard that was in a package of pillowcases.  As I was playing grab and put away, I also exposed them to the flushing of the toilet (interesting but maybe only because I was in there) and the washing machine.  I also came across the squirty cheese container so we tried that out.  They caught right on to the goodness that is squirty cheese.  MMmmm!

               Eventually, they went back outside to play a little and then had a happy nappy.  When they woke up, they were wild again.  SDB wanted to come out the dog door so I had to move the barrier which meant that some of the puppies felt inclined to come IN the dog door.  At that point, I just opened the door and called them into the pen.  It is especially effective when I use the food bowl.  That means I have to have food ready for the bowl since I don’t want to ruin the ‘recall’. 

               They had a lot more time outside including chicken wing time.  They managed to consume some of it but there was a lot of trading around in addition to stealing. Some of them prefer to eat with another, some of them prefer to eat alone. 

I put the cat tunnel in the ex pen with them and they’ve been crinkling it to no end.  I won’t be putting that in a crate with anyone tonight. I’m going to take them out to play and then give them nighty, nighty bites and hopefully, not wake them up after they are in the crates tonight.  Nighty, nighty, nighty to all…

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Sept 11, 2014 Pupdate

               Good morning, good morning, the little dogs say.   As well as “Gives us kisses! Pick us up!  Oh wait, I need to potty. NOW!”  They were sound asleep at 7:30 this am.  It was between showers so I woke them up and took them outside anyway.  Where is proceeded to rain all over us again.  I used the umbrella, the puppies just went on about their puppy business: running, stalking, making us safe from rogue leaves and pottying.  I fed them outside too just to make it a more pleasant experience.

               I did bring them in after they ate because I didn’t want to hang out in the rain if not necessary.  They had a lot of in and out today, not all of it engineered by me.  They have figured out how to go in the dog door.  They’ve been showing great interest in following the big dogs but the flap usually comes back and stops them.  Their mother has been occasionally poking just her head out to check on them/watch and I think they got enough of them in there that the flap didn’t deter them.  Smart little monsters they are.  I can’t believe there are people who think dogs don’t learn by watching other dogs.

               As usual, the wading pool is every bit as interesting upside down.  I turned it over to dump out the rainwater and keep more from getting in.  I put it at the edge of the deck and they use it as a step/slide/launching pad.  One of the brown ones got tangled up in the ez up cover.  Since the frame is bent, I’ve been taking the cover off so I could keep using it until the pupsters are gone.  They got the edge down (they like to pull things down now, the blanket that I had over the play house to keep out rain has been dragged all over the place) and someone managed to get somewhat rolled up in it.  Scared me but when I got the puppy out, it wasn’t concerned.  I had brought out their breakfast so I put it down very near that just in case anyone was worried.  They weren’t and then I moved it up out of their reach (I hope, they may form a pyramid to get it tomorrow.)

               We are working on getting the scent of home on their baby blankets.  And practicing nap time in crates.  There was a pee accident this morning but none later in the day.  They do still pee on the wet deck but holding it that long is pretty good for little ones IMO.

               Dog Cindi and LeAnne left for the National Specialty today with their Aunt B and sister Caly.  Another sister, Mila, is there too.  I’m a little jealous.  I’d had loved to go but the puppies aren’t old enough so we’ll just wait for updates and live vicariously through everyone there.  The water trial portion starts Saturday.  Tomorrow is water practice day.

               The mamas are starting to instill a little discipline.  The puppies are absolutely adorable (yes, I know they are always adorable – even when they are bad) trying to ingratiate themselves and still get what they want.  Today the mama’s mama showed them how you DON’T take a big dog’s chicken.  She gave them her chicken yesterday.  Today, she went over and laid it in front of them and then told them No, that’s mine.  (They had their own chicken both days)

               I need to get everyone ready for bedtime, especially me.  They are sleeping in crates tonight – wish me sleep! Nighty, nighty, nighty…

Sept 10, 2014 Pupdate

               Another big day for the pupsters.  We played outside a LOT.  I added some new metal items to the apparatus which they seemed to enjoy.  They played in and out of the wading pool with various amounts of water in it.  (They aren’t patient enough to wait for me to fill it completely before they get into it.)  For their lunch, I put the bowl in the pool but that was NOT a great plan.  It sank and the poor ‘tarving (just ask them – well if it’s raw, they aren’t so excited when it’s kibble day) puppies were still trying to eat.  I guess they may not have much trouble with the underwater retrieve ;-)  I pulled it back up and tried to drain some of the water off but I was fighting 5 puppies gobbling voraciously so they had some water that way, too.

               I took a little video of them playing VERY loud barky games at each other under the lid to the castle sandbox but apparently it doesn’t work on the blog.

               I know a lot more happened but I don’t know where the day went other than the puppies were being adorable and playing and napping in crates.  I rebuilt their area and then realized that TJJ is tall enough to have his head over the top of the ex pen already (when standing on his hind legs which we do NOT encourage or reward) so I will likely have to change it again very soon.

               I did manage to weigh them today.  Tired puppies who have been learning to sit are MUCH easier to weigh, close enough for government work at least.  We have a total of 46 lbs of puppy.  Chipmunk (pink) is the lightest at a not very light 8lbs.  Turtle is 8.8, Tootsie is 9 and Kodiak is 9.8lbs.  TJJ is still the largest at 10.6 lbs.

               I wonder how much they will grow overnight.  Nighty, nighty, nighty to all…

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


You need sound on for this (hopefully video works this way)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Sept 9, 2014 Pupdate

               The pups and I were somewhat off schedule last night and this morning.  I was the one off schedule but they adapted.  I took them out to potty around 10 and gave them a little snack to lure them back into their pen.  I need to either crate the big dogs or put them in another room when I am calling the puppies into the pen.  It’s further from the door than where I set it up before and the big dogs tend to get in between the puppies and the door more than they did before. Anyway, they had a little snack then and again at last call. I woke up at 4ish and couldn’t get back to sleep (planning their day’s adventures) so I got up at 5 and took them out to potty (they were asleep when I came down) and gave them some bites in case I managed to go back to sleep.  I didn’t but they were still sound asleep at daylight and later.  I finally went in a woke them up to go outside at about 8:30 am.  I also gave them breakfast then. 

               It was cool enough to play outside for quite a while but I did put the top on the ez up to give us some lasting shade.  I planned to let them stay outside as long as it wasn’t too hot but they got a little too rambunctious with the containers on lemongrass and mint plants.  They’ve been pulling leaves and stems off but Kodiak climbed up into one and was pulling and starting to dig.  I removed him (he smelled so nice and lemony) but then they ended up knocking one of the pots.  So I put the puppies inside and took the pots outside of the gate.  Then I cleaned up the dirt as best I could.  The puppies brought some in with them but they smell like clean dirt and lemon and mint.

               We had afternoon naps in crates.  They were sleeping when I put them in and didn’t fully awaken.  I opened the doors almost immediately after them awakening so nobody felt the need to pitch a hissy.  So far, so good and I managed to have a little nap while they slept, too.

               They also had an introduction to turkey necks. I held them until they got the hang of chewing on them together and then let them have at it.  They mouthed and chewed and gnawed for quite a while and then the Mama wanted in with them.  She let them nurse while she picked up the turkey necks and chewed them up and left them for the pupsters to actually consume.  She’s SUCH a good mama dog.

               It was pretty warm outside this afternoon so I put water in the whelping pool and sprayed the deck, the ez up and the puppies to keep them cool.  The only reaction they seemed to have was to turn their faces up to the water coming out of the hose.  I don’t think they do that with rain but they do seem aware that this is different (they watch me a lot.)

               They went outside to play after dinner, too.  They ran around and played and jumped in and out of their pool and pulled up some Bermuda and generally had a high old time until a little after 8.  It wasn’t pitch black out there yet but it was dark so I brought them inside.  We had a little brushing of the hair along the way with the slicker brush (we’ve been just using the wooden pin brush but they are getting long enough hair to begin some real hair brushing.)

               They are winding down now, but I am not going to close their area in until I do last call.  I am going to go ahead and post this so we’ll say nighty, nighty, nighty to all…

Sept 8, 2014 7 Weeks Old!

               Pupsters were awfully cute this am and didn’t throw a fit to get up before daylight.  I came down and took them outside at 7:30 so they could potty.  It’s been a relatively pretty day – relative because I detest autumn weather other than it’s nicer for the puppies than hot and humid – so we’ve spent a lot of it outside. 

               The MSU moved one of the stepping stones to cover a spot on the edging which let the puppies discover that there was STUFF! under the rocks!  And they have object permanence apparently because they went straight for pulling up the plastic that is under the river rocks this morning.  I had tried covering it up with the seesaw and other toys but that didn’t work.  So they accompanied me on several trips out of the dog yard to gather up BIG rocks to prevent their access to the plastic.  So far, that seems to be working and they were very good to follow me in and out of the yard and come when I called them. 

This evening, I set one of the container plants out of the gate (they were turning it over to play with the lemongrass and that’s asking for trouble.  They do make the air smell lemony and minty a lot by playing with/in those containers) and they came flying to go with me.  I think I need to start carrying food on me.  I had to rely on the MamaBug to come out and lure them all back inside at once.  She gave them a little snack and then came back into the house.

It’s only a matter of time until I need to block off the dog door.  They are very interested in what the big dogs are doing when they come and go through it and stick noses and front feet up there.  I’ll probably wait until the first puppy goes through though, I hate for the big dogs not to be able to come and go as they please – especially Doodlebug while the babies are outside. 

I spent most of the day outside with the pupsters so SDB and Jack came out to hang with me some as well.  They had to time their visits well or tolerate the puppies – at one point Jack was lying next to the house with 2 puppies sleeping next to him – fore and aft.  When another one decided to approach from Port, he got up and moved but he didn’t bark about them touching him.

I can’t believe they are getting so old.  I don’t think I like it much either ;-(  On the one hand, they are even cuter because they can do more but every minute is a minute closer to them leaving and THAT I don’t like one little bit.  I try to console myself with the thought of how happy their new families will be to have them but that doesn’t make me miss them any less.  So, for now at least, I will do my best Scarlett O’Hara impression and put off thinking about that.

I was listening to some other people’s puppy videos while the babies were napping and the people called their puppies (with the pup, pup, pup that most breeder’s seem to use)  All 5 of them woke up and came running to me.  Obviously, I had to stop what I was doing and have a big GOOD PUPPY party because I needed to reward that behavior.  I wonder if I could remote train them?  If I had extra time on my hands, I’d try that with the treat n train and a walky talky.  Maybe with the next puppy I keep…

Apparently, it is considered BIG fun to balance one’s back feet on the lazy susan while one’s front paws are on the raised middle of the large flying saucer food bowl.  I’m not certain it matters whether it is the food dish or water dish.  Probably food because they are often lying in the water one.

The kiddie pool of empty water bottles is apparently the perfect place for puppies to shop for just the right bottle.  Maybe that’s the whole point of the pool o’bottles, that or to teach puppies to start recycling at an early age ;-)

I think I need to call my next puppies vampire names.  They are starting to nibble on my neck when we are cuddling. I forget that they eventually do that, it’s actually kind of sweet (at least to a crazy dog lady) as long as they do it gently.  So far, they are being good about doing it gently to me.

The puppies are hitting their ‘cat’ phase.  Lots of lying on their backs paws flailing at each other, at toys, at the things that dangly from the sky, etc.  They also like to curl up in thing: food bowls, boxes, planters (hence my moving the one outside the gate), the catch pan under the planter once it gets picked up because puppies are rolling in it.  They just don’t make very cat like noises. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sept 6 and 7 Pupdates

               I didn’t get yesterday’s written last night or this morning so this will be a 2 day post.  Saturday, the wee ones slept until a reasonable hour – at least as far as I could tell.  I was a mean dog mama and penned them in to the crate and potty area only for nighty, nighty, nighty time.  There appear to have been some pees but they managed to wait until I got them outside for pooping.  And they had a nice big breakfast which they ate with gusto.

               Their Aunt LeAnne arrived first, she’s an early bird and got to see some of the early morning play and then watched them as they slept in the castle sandbox.  While she did that, I changed the bedding in the puppy pen.  The fleece in the crate was clean and dry.  What good puppies!

               Dog Cindi came with the parts to make the outside dangly toy contraption.  Indoors, I hang things from rope across the top of the ex pen so they can play with it and it randomly touches them as they walk around.  Now we have an outdoor version.  We may need to glue some of the joints it they pull it apart but I like being able to disassemble it if possible.  So far, it has been quite the hit and they haven’t pulled it down yet ;-)

               Colleen and her sister Jenny came by to play with puppies and do the photo shoot and when Susan and Meg arrived we waited for the babies to finish their naps before taking them to the pond.  LeAnne puppysat (and tried to corral the big dogs) while we took Aunt B to the pond for a little practice and then we took the puppies up for their first swim.

               Again, nobody even considered swimming until their little chins hit the water and then they took off.  They headed for shore just fine but had a tendency to veer off to do a swimabout along the shoreline so they required a little guidance.  I did each puppy twice and then we let them play while the people just made sure they didn’t have anything bad happen to them.  Plus they were fed some goodies (they had steak pieces and tuna) so they seemed pretty happy.  Tootsie was not a fan of wearing the life jacket for group play but we wanted to be able to id her quickly in case she had any issues.  She did not and eventually we took it off.  She did not wear the life jacket for her turns swimming and did just fine. 

We let the old puppies, Caly and Armada come up to play then, too and the puppies watched their antics some in addition to playing.  Jenny had to leap into the water to beat T2J who was taking a previously unapproved route into the pond.  I think she was the only one that didn’t have pond clothes on or a change of clothes with her.  Fortunately, several of the Villagers have spares here and she got to change before they left.  She did say we need to get her a puppy lifeguard shirt for next time ;-)  I had the pupsters follow us down the hill (through the yard) back to the dog yard and they did pretty well after a couple needed to be carried away from the pond area.  They napped while I bathed the big dogs then I bathed the puppies and LeAnne held them in towels as they would allow.  Turtle was having a cuddly day so the MSU held a puppy or too while I finished up the others.

               We were still sitting out with them when we thought Tut, Tut it looks like rain and as we started carrying the babies inside, it poured.  The puppies were fine but I got soaked again, especially when I went out to put the cover on the castle sandbox and take the cover off of the ez up.  The e z up collapsed again and there wasn’t even water standing on it, I don’t think it’ll ever go up and down again.  I left it in place and moved the cover on and off to provide shade but it’s a goner unless I have the right size pieces from old skeletons that we’ve saved.

               The puppies did a LOT of resting the remainder of the day yesterday and I went to take a nap in the evening as I was rather tired myself.  They went out to poop after their last meal (in the dark although I turned on some outside light since I don’t care for the pitch black.) and we all went nighty, nighty, nighty.

               I then proceeded to not sleep well at all.  I didn’t realize that there was a big weather change and that affects my sinuses.  Since I was up a lot of Friday night with what appears to be gall baldder issues, I wasn’t sure why I felt so badly and didn’t know what to take.  The pupsters were good and ate breakfast when I brought it at about 7:30 but were not amused when I went in to hurl instead of taking them outside.  I eventually got them outside and fortunately Dog Cindi was coming to groom, etc this morning because those puppies did NOT understand why I was cuddling that trash basket instead of them.  They wanted morning cuddles.  When Cindi arrived, I was sitting on the floor behind the storm door into the laundry room periodically heaving my guts up.  I turned puppy watch duty over to her and alternated between whining, heaving, and cleaning up the puppy pen.  There was a poop in the time between breakfast and being taken outside but that’s to be expected.  At least it was good poop and in the right spot but I don’t think the puppy was pleased with my service in the least ;-)

               The change in the weather did enable us to open up the doors instead of running the a/c today.  And the puppies have been outside all day as well.  They even had more company and get to add 2 more people to their list.  They were mostly well behaved puppies but were told that teeth are for toys more than once as they were re-directed.

               They heard sirens go by (not really close as we don’t live right on the road but definitely close enough to hear) today.  None of them cared.  And the MSU drove up and down the driveway beside them (on the other side of the fence) in the truck so they could hear/see traffic, too.

               Pupsters are napping outside as I type this (it takes longer to type when you are frequently going over to check on puppies) and I think they may stay out until after they have dinner and a post prandial potty and romp.  Then I am planning to crash until last call and hopefully crash again until it’s time for the puppies to start it all over again.  (And against all odds, they managed to get even cuter today.)

Friday, September 5, 2014

Sept 5, 2014 Pupdate

               Good Morning, good morning the little dogs say!  And they didn’t say it really early either.  The monitor kicked off sometime between 4:45 and 6:45 and I missed a couple of poops but at 6:45 they were asleep. I came down at 7:30 and they woke up and had breakfast.  Then they had their big morning playtime.  They got into the castle sandbox after 45 minutes but they did NOT go to sleep.  After an hour and a half, everybody but Turtle settled into sleep.  Turtle kept wanting to be held so I obliged -I know, quite an aberration on my part ;-)  Eventually though, she turned into a snapping Turtle and after I kept redirecting her with a toy, it occurred to me that she might be overtired/over stimulated.  At that point I put her in with the other puppies and she went nighty, nighty nappy, too.

               Somehow, I sent an email to the blog that I meant to send elsewhere so if you were wondering what that link to Optigen was all about, it was something that we do for genetic tests prior to breeding our dogs.  Bela is having her tests done at the Specialty as part of a group and I apparently didn’t listen closely enough to the address and outlook autofilled the blog address. 

               I then did my morning puppy chores and cleaned the rubber floor, etc, etc for all of the good that does since it either rains and keeps the carpet wet or I wet it down to keep the puppies cool and then they  traipse across the floor.  But at least it’s new dirt each day ;-)  I am even vacuuming twice a day!  (I know other people vacuum regularly but I have always hated running the sweeper.  In our division of labor, that was one of the MSU’s jobs so until I got Jack I had only vacuumed twice after we got married.  To have an inside dog, I vacuumed the dog room daily.)

               Puppies are starting to demand to go OUT of the pen to poop.  They are having a pretty obvious potty dance even outside too so they are well on their way.  That’s nice but it does mean I need to be very vigilant and get them outside if it is an ‘off’ time and I need to reward it too.  It is somewhat self-rewarding to them but right now, they just don’t want to do it where they live.  If they have a big enough area, they would go anyway.

               Apparently, last night when I went inside and the MSU hadn’t yet set up the monitor (but was where he could see them) I hadn’t latched the MamaBug’s gate into the pen and one of the puppies was ‘at large’ in the rubber room.  He was replaced before he got into anything – he was either chasing his mama or she was trying to herd him or some combination thereof so he wasn’t going to do anything bad for a little while anyway.

               We added 2 new people to the list today.  We are at 23 now so slightly more than haflway to our minimum new people after 4 weeks old goal.

               Puppies are napping so I am going to leave the MSu in charge and go take a much needed bath and wash my hair for a change.  I may not get it dried but at least I will be clean for a while.  Then I’ll do last call and we’ll all say nighty, nighty, nighty…

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sept 4, 2014 Pupdate

We got a little off schedule yesterday so I took advantage of that in the night and this morning.  I heard them stir a little at 5 so I came down and gave them a little snack of goat milk.  Then I went back to bed and they went back to sleep.  They didn’t get back up until after 7:30  and broad daylight (although it seemed a little overcast this morning.)  I fed them breakfast outside and they played and pottied and then took a little nap in the castle sandbox.  They were awake again for their bigger play session and napping again before the sun came over the ridge and made it uncomfortably humid.  I was still working on their expanded area when I wasn’t comfortable keeping them out there so I put them in the crate and let them watch.  4 out of the 5 went back to sleep.  One of the brown ones squalled (I did not check to see which one) for a while so I sang the three songs while I worked.  The new area is 4 ft by 8 ft bigger than before and includes a crate.  I switched out the toys and put those in the washer, somehow they got goat milk and food on them ;-).    For now, the end doors of the crate are fastened open but before long, I will start closing them into the crate and potty area at night.  Then it’ll just be in the crate and then it’ll be separate crates.  My babies are growing up way too fast.

               They played in the new area and promptly exposed my failings.  I hadn’t put the pvc along the ex pen to keep the sides from folding at the joints so they pushed it over and were chewing up the plastic that extends beyond the rubber.  I remedied the situation and so far, so good.

               They had dinner outside and it promptly began to rain, lightly at first but it eventually rained pretty heavily.  I got an umbrella but the puppies went about their business playing and wrestling in the rain.  When they were ready for naptime, I persuaded them to go into the playhouse.  T2J was going to lie out by the bushes but I convinced him to go back into the playhouse.  When it let up, I called them into the house.  I made Jack and Jill get on the couch and stay while I brought them inside.  That helped some but the MamaDog was determined to lick them dry so I had to call her into the pen and they followed.

               When they took their evening siesta, they were in the crate together.  I guess if they outgrow it, I’ll put the huge one in there.  Colleen can camp in that one so it has to be big enough for 5 puppies.  We are going to do some evening things and then go nighty nighty nighty… Puppy breath to you all and to all a good night

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Sept 3, 2014 Pupdate

               The trip to Columbus and back went well but was very LONG.  We were gone 12 hours and that doesn’t count the loading and unloading on either end.  The pups are wound up but I am exhausted as I suspect the other humans are as well.

               We made it to Columbus with about 45 minutes before our appointment, we had to stop a time or two to change the bedding in the crate because some puppies were carsick.  Again this trip ,they were sick before we could get to the “better road” but were fine after we got on the 4 lane road.  We let them out into Aunt Tamara’s yard and fed them and the MamaBug and she fed them as well.  And they got to meet another of their sisters, Mila (she was the yellow girl last time).  The humans used the bathroom and tried to ride herd on the puppies who thought that the pea gravel around the tree was great fun to put in their mouths.  I did NOT care for that activity.  We didn’t have long until we had to head over to MedVet for our appt.  It took a while to do the paperwork while we waited for the eyes to dilate but then it took a longer time for them to be ready for us.

               The puppies were as good as can be expected for that, Kodiak was first (I go in birth order) and didn’t fuss but T2J was NOT pleased.  I think it was as much how they hold them as them wanting to get down and play.  Most of the puppies fussed but all got clear reports.  Not even any “puppy spots” and this is the youngest we’ve done them.

               Afterward (and by then it was late afternoon) we got some sandwiches and ate in the back yard at Roger and Tamara’s while the puppies played.  Fergie (Mila’s housemate) enjoyed playing with the puppies very much and they enjoyed playing with her.  They weren’t in the rocks as much but still had to have them taken out of their mouths more than I would’ve liked.  They also had BIG fun playing with a metal dish that had been used to serve them some water.  They drank some and wallered some and then dragged and/or carried the throughout the yard.  That seemed to help burn off some of the energy and they were winding down as we were ready to head along home.  None of them were sick on the way to or from MedVet or on the way home.  It’s just that awful first part of the trip.

               They got to hear a nearby siren as we were going back out to the car at MedVet.

               After we got home, we brought them into the dog yard but didn’t have the gate over the doorway and when I opened it for something, in they went.  I put them in the pen and fed them and the big dogs and then took the babies back out to potty.  They enjoyed running amok in the mostly dark (I turned on the lights but it isn’t like daylight) and everybody went potty.  They are back in the pen and I am ready to go nighty, nighty, nighty but 12 year old Jack is ready to blow off some steam.  He’s going to have to forgo that tonight though.

               We added 9 new people to our list today including one of the MSU’s golfing friends who was here this morning and was impressed into puppy cuddly ;-)  It’s just not safe to come around us if you don’t want to help socialize puppies.  They’ll meet some more this weekend.

               For now, I am calling it a day and we are going to go nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all…

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sept 2, 2014 Pupdate

               Well, the MamaBug no longer has unfettered access to the pupsters because Kodiak went over the gate this morning. ;-(  I took them outside after breakfast, lunch and dinner so they could potty and play.  The after dinner trip had light rain on us and some thunder and lightning in the distance but it didn’t seem to affect the pupsters.

               Tomorrow is another big traveling day – we head to Columbus and back for the annual ophthalmology appointments (they were always called CERFs but OFFA has taken over) for the big dogs and the first exam for the puppies.  We are going to have a full load this time, it was interesting last year and this year we have 5 puppies to add to the process.  Good thing we have some extra people.  It will be interesting taking everybody in and out. The MSU may be lonely here without any dogs to keep him company.  We’ll be back tomorrow night so he won’t be lonesome too long.  We’ll all probably be pretty tired though.

               I’m going to redo the pen again tomorrow evening (at least I plan to do so, I may be too tired after that trip) and integrate crates and the walk through door on the pen.  They are getting pretty good at coming in when called (and tracking little wet pawprints and leaves across the floor) as long as they don’t become too sidetracked by a big dog.  We’ll see how they do coming all of the way in AND following me outside, too. 

               I’m going to do some more trip preparation (but there’ll still be a bunch of things to do in the am, you can’t pack puppies up the night before a trip) and then we’ll sing the 3 songs and go nighty, nighty, nighty. If I don’t manage to post tomorrow, it’s due to exhaustion on my part but I shall try.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Sept 1, 2014 Happy Labor Day and 6 Weeks Old!

               The pupsters are pretty reliable about pottying in the pan when they are inside but they have no  problem whatsoever playing or sleeping over there either at this point.  We’ll work on that but at least the Mama is very quick about cleaning up the poop in there.  She didn’t find all of the poop out in the yard (I cleaned up some of it as it happened and tried to find the rest) but that’s ok with me.  A lot of bitches have stopped cleaning up after their puppies by now, I’m glad she still does it for us.

They were happy to go out and play this morning but it was very hot and humid.  So after they got their microchips this morning, (the vet making house calls is VERY handy for me) I left them inside.  They were very brave for the microchipping (actually they just didn’t care, they were busy eating cream cheese.)  They played some and slept some and became even cuter (I know, it doesn’t seem possible but they do it anyway.)  They woke up about mealtime (I don’t wake them up for eating but they are starting to wake up when it is time) and ate their bites very well.  The Mama and her Mama watched to make sure I fed them enough.

About 4 it had become overcast again, so I took them outside to enjoy the humidity.  They were having a high old time running around in the yard, rocks and deck but after a few minutes it started sprinkling and I could hear thunder in the distance.  I got an umbrella and we stayed out and they played in the rain as the storm moved in to us.  I had to move the folded down ez up behind gating because they have decided that it is fun to chew and I am afraid they’ll pull it over and be injured.  The lightning was nearby and the thunder was louder by then.  So after a couple of minutes of the heavy rain blowing sideways, I had had enough (the umbrella was not protecting me sufficiently and we aren’t stupid just having a fun time in inclement weather – plus I am rather afraid of lightning, I just hide it for the dogs) and called the puppies in the door. 

4 came in and continued running over to the pen, Turtle became sidetracked by the Mamadog.  After I lifted the others in, I walked over and picked her up.  After the excitement of chasing me inside was over, they are none too happy to be in the pen.  At least not without me but this is one of the big storms so I had to take Jack up to the bed so I didn’t get in with them.  (If it were every storm or if we always went up there with him, I’d think going up to the bed may be a learned behavior but he only does it for certain storms and during those storms, it doesn’t matter if anyone is up there with him or not.  Jack is all about the PEOPLE so something about these storms is really bothering my old dog.  I’ll have to try to test whether it bothers him when he is guiding but it’s rather difficult to know which kind of lightning the storm will have. And when we are home, it’s not that big of a deal to let him go lie in the bed.)  At any rate, I don’t want his worry to affect the puppies (SammieDoodlebug and Jill remain unconcerned) so sending him up is better all around.

               I started a little more puppy brainwashing today.  Since we’ve been very successful with the alfalfa and going to potty in the grass, we are continuing with the program ;-)  I started the magic word while they ate today.  They just kept eating which is what I want.  I’ll start alternating it with the whistle (each puppy has a whistle in their packet) and using the call or whistle as I am bring them their meals soon.  It’ll be up to the new people to keep the magic word and whistle training up when they leave but it really makes life easier if dogs have an emergency recall (in addition to a really reliable recall.)

               I took them back out about 6:30, I’d rather have them pottying outside and they usually go after they eat.  And they did. And played and played and played.  They were huddled around the legs of my chair fussing until I took the lid off of the castle sandbox (I think I was calling it a turtle pool) and put the towel I had for my chair in it.  That’s where I’ve been putting a dry blanket the last few days and they clambered right in and went nighty nappy.

               I carried sleeping puppies in around 8 because I was cold.  They woke up a little bit and then the Mama fed them so they had a big time wrestling match afterwards.  They also pulled the pad off of the potty area and had a high old time shredded the paper underneath.  I will have less fun cleaning that listening to them make the mess ;-)  Although most of the time, I still smile when cleaning it up because I remember how much they enjoyed doing it.  Hopefully, it will be decent enough weather that I can let them outside while I try to clean it up.  They are too helpful for me to attempt it when they are inside ;-)

               The puppies hope everyone has had a nice Labor Day and say nighty, nighty, nighty to all…

Sunday, August 31, 2014

August 31, 2014 Pupdate

               They pupsters were bright eyes and bushy tailed this morning.  I heard them awake and playing at 6 something but it wasn’t daylight yet so I didn’t come feed them yet.  They had wound down by daylight but were awake enough to have some breakfast.  And a drink.  Then the Mama topped them off at the bar.  They followed it up with a post prandial nap.

               When they began to stir awake again, I took them outside.  We had another storm with a fair amount of rain last night so everything was wet.  They didn’t mind, didn’t even seem to care.  Good little puppies!  While they were adventuring this morning, T2J went out into grass all by his lonesome.  He didn’t go far but he went intentionally.  After that, I walked out into the yard to see if the rest would come and they all did.  They worked out whether to walk on the stepping stones or through the river rock but I couldn’t discern which puppy did what.

               After that they were all off and on as chose.  Chipmunk went out to poop in the grass all on her own.  What a good puppy.  Maybe the brainwashing is working.  Several puppies went out to potty in the grass and gravel at various times.  Kodiak was going to poop on the deck but I took him out in the grass and he pooped there after just a little sniffing.  Tootise also took her little self out into the rocks to poop, too.  Eventually everyone went off the deck to poop and some to pee, too!  We are on the way…  Exciting stuff in the life of a breeder ;-)

               Since it was so wet out there, I was a little worried about them having a good place to nap so I took the top off of the castle sandbox and put a dry blanket in it.  Then I propped the lid over it to make it sort of a den since they like to lie cuddle under things outside (smart pupsters).  I have the ez up over that (it is getting harder to set it up alone, perhaps because it was bent in the downpour at the National in GA a few years ago) so we stayed dry.  The girls went in to nap first but the boys wanted to sleep under my chair.  After they went to sleep, I picked each up and put him in the box and petted him back to sleep.  I did Kodiak first and after I did TJJ, he appeared to sleep but when I took my hand away, he moved over to cuddle with the girls. They’ve stayed out there longer today, it is overcast and cooler (and wet) so they are more comfortable.

               Colleen brought her mother and aunt so we added two more new people to the list today.  The puppies were displaying all of their cutest behaviors.  They are very good at sitting to be picked up or petted.  They also displayed some of their bad tricks like chewing on toes ;-)  Doodlebug came out periodically to check on them and open the bar for them.  She also had to pee and had 2 puppies hounding her and a third whining through the ex pen (I block off the part that has a drop off and the stairs.  They aren’t old enough to do stairs) but she managed to pee without getting it on anyone.  And she had to go a lot (she holds it so she won’t have to go out into the rain.  She only likes to get wet for fun things like swimming or running)

               SammieDoodlebug has been bringing puppy toys from the puppy pen to the puppies outside.  I guess she wants to make sure they have what they need out here.  We spent the vast majority of the day outside.  It was nice and cool and rainy, too.  At one point I was afraid that the sun was going to shine on us and we’d get too hot but then it decided to rain again.  We went out and walked around and played in the rain, the things I do for puppies.  I am not terribly fond of being wet but they seemed to like it.  That whole water dog thing ;-)

               At about 3pm, I started worrying about the ez-up collapsing from the rain.  It had been raining pretty steadily and I had to keep pushing the top up to get the water off so I carried the sleeping puppies inside and took it down.  The puppies have had a mostly quiet rest of the day/night except for some playtime and a couple of meals.  I even took a nap this evening since the MSU was here to watch them for me.  So it’s going to be sleepytime down south and we’re going to sign the 3 songs and say Nighty, nighty, nighty…

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Picture link!

Thanks to Colleen!

I don't know why my laptop didn't send the other days of blog but they should all be there now.  If you notice no updates, please let me know.

August 30, 2014 Pupdate

               We added more people to the list today.  Jen and Bob came in from Mentor, OH to see the babies. They brought Jack’s niece Ruby and their PWD, Stormy but we didn’t let the dogs interact with the puppies.

               I waited until they arrived about 9 am to take the babies out on the deck.  Before that I wrestled around with the huge 12 panel ex pen that I had on the deck and switched it out for the plastic kid ex pen.  The kid ex pen isn’t as practical for penning off the grooming table and then putting back in front of the screen doors.  Then I disinfected the ez up so we could have some shade a little longer in the mornings.  It was not nearly as cool over night as Thursday so I didn’t leave the doors open much this morning.  But we did sit out with the pupsters while they played.  I managed to keep my rear end dry this am (I do NOT like wet clothes.  That’s one of the few things I don’t like about water work.)

               They need to start going out into the grass so they will start going to potty out there.  At this point they still barely pee but and SDB cleans up the poop (she missed one today though and the good boy did part of it in the rock area.)  They are very reliable about going to the potty area in the pen and I keep alfalfa underneath the paper and pad so they will get brainwashed to potty to the smell of grass (and it’s not a horrible problem if they eat any of it since it’s food.)

               They met their brother Armada today.  He was a VERY good boy and wanted to sniff the puppy being held but he wasn’t sure he wanted to be where they could get him.  He was gentle and respectful though and the Mama nor the Mama’s Mama felt he needed any reminding about proper etiquette.  They did NOT feel the same about Ruby (and she was on the other side of the gate.)  Jill kept head butting the gate in between ferocious sounding barks.

               Aunt Colleen came along with Armada (it was nice of him to bring his humama) and we had a photo shoot.  Pictures are loading to google plus as I type.

               As I was lamenting about what to type in the blog LeAnne offered her help.  “Puppies ate and played.  And were very cute.”  She’s right about that and she wasn’t even here ;-)  And against all odds, they keep getting cuter. Even though they have little needle teeth that they are learning not to put on us.  We have already started saying “Teeth are for toys” and redirecting.  Littermates are working on teaching each other bite inhibition, too.

               Puppies are currently sleeping it off.  They’ll wake up to eat and play a little at last call and then we’ll sing the three songs and go nighty, nighty, nighty…

August 29, 2014 Pupdate

August 29, 2014 Pupdate

               Another big day today.  We were LIONIZED, well the butt part.  I don’t like to do their little muzzles yet because this is the only time we ever get to feel their little whiskers.  They are by no means perfect lions but they were all good for it.  They don’t just stand still on the grooming table yet, it involved some cuddling and some cream cheese.  I saved the hair (you can’t be surprised by that if you know me at all)  but we didn’t compare to see if the browns are as dark as the brown in the last litter yet.

               They enjoy their mornings on the deck and are quite rambunctious until they start dropping off to sleep. T2J was the one awake alone more today.  It varies from day to day but it is always one puppy.  Maybe that is how they get “only dog time”

               Aunt B came to do some water practice and since her yard is still ‘poisoned’ from the tick spray, she stayed here with me.  When I went upstairs for nighty nappy, she was on the grooming table.  Aunt B likes a perch.  She was very good with the babies on the deck.  She sniffed them gently but moved away when they tried to see if they could find a spot at the bar.  She let them bite at her though.  She was jealous of all of the time they got to spend on HER table (Bela loves the grooming table)

               I texted some of their exploits to the Villagers but didn’t find time to figure out how to forward them here.  So I’ll type the highlights over: 

Puppies are UP and OUTSIDE!  Enjoying deck.

Found the plants! 

Good poops (the Mama comes out to clean them up still, gross but oh so much easier on us humans!) 

So far just plants and not dirt (they were biting at the mint and lemongrass I have in containers by the door on the deck)

Turtle just ran out in the rocks.  Not sure it was intentional

I need to start bringing a chair out before puppies!  The seat of my pants is wet L


At this point, I was too busy monitoring puppies to try to text.  Nighty, nighty, nighty to all

August 28, 2014 Pupdate

               It’s been another busy day in the puppy parlor.  The puppies have been busy adding people to their list and playing and teething and eating and sleeping.  They enjoyed their deck time this morning even though it was VERY wet from the storm we had last night.  They are definitely old enough to count that one as an ambient experience.  They managed to knock down the ferret ex pen that I was using to give us a little space around the door into the rubber room so when it was time to bring them inside, I had to just carry some and let the others follow me.  It goes pretty well except they will follow a dog before me at this point and Jill took some of them back outside.  I don’t think she believed they were authorized to come in the house.

               And we added 5 people to their list.  They saw 2 others but their Nana didn’t end up holding each one of them so she doesn’t get to be on the list yet ;-)  They met some of my human family and some of the human family of their Aunt Cleo (Pink! from our JillyBoo babies).  They seemed to enjoy everyone – fortunately they were on their good behavior for my MeeMaw.  She held each one and most of them slept in her lap.  TJJ was a little bit lively when Aunt Marolyn held him but he didn’t pierce anything for her.  We’ve decided that it could be a moneymaking business – anybody who needs a piercing, we have 5 puppies with little needle teeth that they would be happy to use on you ;-)  I just have rules about things they put in their mouths being clean enough.  They were nicely lively for Cleo’s human brother and he was lively with them.  And he was nice enough to keep throwing Jack’s monkey paw while he was being mauled in the puppy pen.

               Aunt Colleen didn’t make it to take pictures tonight, probably this weekend.

               We’re all tired now so we are going to get ready for nighty, nighty, nighty time.  Puppy breath dreams to you all

August 27, 2014 Pupdate

August 27, 2014 Pupdate

               Good morning, good morning the little (and big) dogs said.  Before they were supposed to get up, too.  I actually turned the sound on the monitor way down and tried to sleep through SammieDoodlebug’s talking to me.  It didn’t work but I still waited for daylight and the alarm since I knew she wasn’t starving and the pupsters were just making playing noises.  She still feeds them a plenty, I am just supplementing them at this point.  She is also still cleaning up after them which is really nice.  The pad on the potty area gets wet but she cleans up the poo right away.  I like that the puppies are careful to go over there to potty, too.  We had a poop outside on the deck yesterday but we haven’t introduced going out into the yard yet.  SDB cleaned that one up, too and then I washed the spot.

               I took them out on the deck again this morning.  After a few minutes I realized I needed to be taking notes.  We went out about 10 am.  The sun isn’t really over the trees on the hillside on the deck yet then (it’s a holler after all) so even though it is plenty warm, there is still dew all over everything.  The pupsters were moist from the dew and they were WIDE awake.  Wild might also be an apt description ;-)  Here’s the note I emailed myself from iffen (for anyone new, iffen is my iPhone.  That is how JAWS, the screenreader on my laptop, pronounces it so that is it’s name.  As you may have noticed from all of the names my dogs have, I have a tendency to name things)

Chipmunk was spitfire this am.  She went over seesaw and off of deck into rocks but not all of the way into the grass

Tjj found a tennis ball and carried it several times

Turtle knows doors- laundry room and into playhouse

Tootsie pup likes to run back and  forth - FAST

Kodiak tried to get onto the turtle sandbox, he wants to see whatever is UP (trying to look through windows in playhouse).  Kept trying to go through holes on slide (it’s on its side and he doesn’t fit through those holes) Then he found the ball and rolled it along biting it until TJJ  came after it/him


They make a fair amount of noise while they play, explore, etc.  very vocal little ones

The tractor startled them as it went up driveway (right beside deck) but not when it came back down.

          Turtle slept first in playhouse didn’t wake up for tractor Pink went to sleep under stool (closest to fence) but tractor startled her and she came under my chair Tootsie under grill Kodiak in picnic table Tjj still looking for trouble. Tootsie got hot (sun hits there first) and came to lay flat on tummy in shade.

          Tjj picked up ball and took into playhouse, carried it 8ft, (I paced it off) and went to sleep


The sun was starting to hit the deck and heat things up so I carried the sleeping puppies back inside about 11:30.  They were pretty well sacked out.  They sort of woke up when we company came around 1:15 but it was more from the barking (Jack was barking a greeting and asking that his toy be thrown and other things that Jack feels the need to communicate audibly.) They also didn’t have any intention of staying awake for any length of time.  We tried taking them outside again when there was some shade from the house but it was still pretty warm and although they were cool enough because I wet everything down, they were more interested in sleeping than playing and the humans were more comfortable in the a/c so we came back inside.  My, that was quite a run on sentence; my poor screenreader will be out of breath ;-)  They did try to play with/attack/avoid the hose since the sprayer was making a little noise before they went to sleep though.

               I took advantage of having a Villager here and took the dogs to the pond.  Even Doodlebug went and she seemed to enjoy her first outing but she was ready to come back to the babies earlier than she normally would stop.  She had to wait for her shower but even though she came flying back inside afterward, she didn’t get in with them right away. 


I covered the bottom of the storm door so nobody runs into it.  I’m sure it looks jakey since I just put a couple of pieces of parchment paper up with painters tape but none of them ran into it today so it’s fine for now.  The deck full of play equipment and wet blankets for shade/cooling can’t look great either but it’s good for the pupsters.  Hopefully, google earth isn’t taking pictures right now ;-)

               We have lots of company slated for tomorrow so I need to go get some things ready before it’s feeding time or cuddle time again.  Puppy breath to all…

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August 27, 2014 Pupdate

Good morning, good morning the little (and big) dogs said.  Before they were supposed to get up, too.  I actually turned the sound on the monitor way down and tried to sleep through SammieDoodlebug’s talking to me.  It didn’t work but I still waited for daylight and the alarm since I knew she wasn’t starving and the pupsters were just making playing noises.  She still feeds them a plenty, I am just supplementing them at this point.  She is also still cleaning up after them which is really nice.  The pad on the potty area gets wet but she cleans up the poo right away.  I like that the puppies are careful to go over there to potty, too.  We had a poop outside on the deck yesterday but we haven’t introduced going out into the yard yet.  SDB cleaned that one up, too and then I washed the spot.

              I took them out on the deck again this morning.  After a few minutes I realized I needed to be taking notes.  We went out about 10 am.  The sun isn’t really over the trees on the hillside on the deck yet then (it’s a holler after all) so even though it is plenty warm, there is still dew all over everything.  The pupsters were moist from the dew and they were WIDE awake.  Wild might also be an apt description ;-)  Here’s the note I emailed myself from iffen (for anyone new, iffen is my iPhone.  That is how JAWS, the screenreader on my laptop, pronounces it so that is it’s name.  As you may have noticed from all of the names my dogs have, I have a tendency to name things)

Chipmunk was spitfire this am.  She went over seesaw and off of deck into rocks but not all of the way into the grass

Tjj found a tennis ball and carried it several times

Turtle knows doors- laundry room and into playhouse

Tootsie pup likes to run back and  forth - FAST

Kodiak tried to get onto the turtle sandbox, he wants to see whatever is UP (trying to look through windows in playhouse).  Kept trying to go through holes on slide (it’s on its side and he doesn’t fit through those holes) Then he found the ball and rolled it along biting it until TJJ  came after it/him


They make a fair amount of noise while they play, explore, etc.  very vocal little ones

The tractor startled them as it went up driveway (right beside deck) but not when it came back down.

          Turtle slept first in playhouse didn’t wake up for tractor Pink went to sleep under stool (closest to fence) but tractor startled her and she came under my chair Tootsie under grill Kodiak in picnic table Tjj still looking for trouble. Tootsie got hot (sun hits there first) and came to lay flat on tummy in shade.

          Tjj picked up ball and took into playhouse, carried it 8ft, (I paced it off) and went to sleep


The sun was starting to hit the deck and heat things up so I carried the sleeping puppies back inside about 11:30.  They were pretty well sacked out.  They sort of woke up when we company came around 1:15 but it was more from the barking (Jack was barking a greeting and asking that his toy be thrown and other things that Jack feels the need to communicate audibly.) They also didn’t have any intention of staying awake for any length of time.  We tried taking them outside again when there was some shade from the house but it was still pretty warm and although they were cool enough because I wet everything down, they were more interested in sleeping than playing and the humans were more comfortable in the a/c so we came back inside.  My, that was quite a run on sentence; my poor screenreader will be out of breath ;-)  They did try to play with/attack/avoid the hose since the sprayer was making a little noise before they went to sleep though.

              I took advantage of having a Villager here and took the dogs to the pond.  Even Doodlebug went and she seemed to enjoy her first outing but she was ready to come back to the babies earlier than she normally would stop.  She had to wait for her shower but even though she came flying back inside afterward, she didn’t get in with them right away. 


I covered the bottom of the storm door so nobody runs into it.  I’m sure it looks jakey since I just put a couple of pieces of parchment paper up with painters tape but none of them ran into it today so it’s fine for now.  The deck full of play equipment and wet blankets for shade/cooling can’t look great either but it’s good for the pupsters.  Hopefully, google earth isn’t taking pictures right now ;-)

              We have lots of company slated for tomorrow so I need to go get some things ready before it’s feeding time or cuddle time again.  Puppy breath to all…