Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sept 21, 2014 Leaving the nest

I don't know what happened to the rest of this post last time, hopefully it'll all post this time!
TJJ with his new person.  We've caught another Villager!

Tootsie and her new Mama and Papa.

Fin (nee Turtle) and Tootsie (staying Tootsie) had good trips home.  TJJ went to puppy class and home but he's going to be local so it wasn't a long trip. I'm hoping all of them have good nights.
I've been hitting the Fudgesicles pretty hard but still miss my babies.  I try to console myself with them and their new families being happy but I still miss them.  This part is HARD!
Keeper (nee Kodiak) had a visit from his new people (and dog siblings) this evening but fortunately, he's not leaving until Tuesday.
I'm going to cuddle the last 2.  Nighty, nighty, nighty to all...  (They still have puppy breath)

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