The pupsters are pretty reliable about pottying in the pan when they are inside but they have no problem whatsoever playing or sleeping over there either at this point. We’ll work on that but at least the Mama is very quick about cleaning up the poop in there. She didn’t find all of the poop out in the yard (I cleaned up some of it as it happened and tried to find the rest) but that’s ok with me. A lot of bitches have stopped cleaning up after their puppies by now, I’m glad she still does it for us.
They were happy to go out and play this morning but it was very hot and humid. So after they got their microchips this morning, (the vet making house calls is VERY handy for me) I left them inside. They were very brave for the microchipping (actually they just didn’t care, they were busy eating cream cheese.) They played some and slept some and became even cuter (I know, it doesn’t seem possible but they do it anyway.) They woke up about mealtime (I don’t wake them up for eating but they are starting to wake up when it is time) and ate their bites very well. The Mama and her Mama watched to make sure I fed them enough.
About 4 it had become overcast again, so I took them outside to enjoy the humidity. They were having a high old time running around in the yard, rocks and deck but after a few minutes it started sprinkling and I could hear thunder in the distance. I got an umbrella and we stayed out and they played in the rain as the storm moved in to us. I had to move the folded down ez up behind gating because they have decided that it is fun to chew and I am afraid they’ll pull it over and be injured. The lightning was nearby and the thunder was louder by then. So after a couple of minutes of the heavy rain blowing sideways, I had had enough (the umbrella was not protecting me sufficiently and we aren’t stupid just having a fun time in inclement weather – plus I am rather afraid of lightning, I just hide it for the dogs) and called the puppies in the door.
4 came in and continued running over to the pen, Turtle became sidetracked by the Mamadog. After I lifted the others in, I walked over and picked her up. After the excitement of chasing me inside was over, they are none too happy to be in the pen. At least not without me but this is one of the big storms so I had to take Jack up to the bed so I didn’t get in with them. (If it were every storm or if we always went up there with him, I’d think going up to the bed may be a learned behavior but he only does it for certain storms and during those storms, it doesn’t matter if anyone is up there with him or not. Jack is all about the PEOPLE so something about these storms is really bothering my old dog. I’ll have to try to test whether it bothers him when he is guiding but it’s rather difficult to know which kind of lightning the storm will have. And when we are home, it’s not that big of a deal to let him go lie in the bed.) At any rate, I don’t want his worry to affect the puppies (SammieDoodlebug and Jill remain unconcerned) so sending him up is better all around.
I started a little more puppy brainwashing today. Since we’ve been very successful with the alfalfa and going to potty in the grass, we are continuing with the program ;-) I started the magic word while they ate today. They just kept eating which is what I want. I’ll start alternating it with the whistle (each puppy has a whistle in their packet) and using the call or whistle as I am bring them their meals soon. It’ll be up to the new people to keep the magic word and whistle training up when they leave but it really makes life easier if dogs have an emergency recall (in addition to a really reliable recall.)
I took them back out about 6:30, I’d rather have them pottying outside and they usually go after they eat. And they did. And played and played and played. They were huddled around the legs of my chair fussing until I took the lid off of the castle sandbox (I think I was calling it a turtle pool) and put the towel I had for my chair in it. That’s where I’ve been putting a dry blanket the last few days and they clambered right in and went nighty nappy.
I carried sleeping puppies in around 8 because I was cold. They woke up a little bit and then the Mama fed them so they had a big time wrestling match afterwards. They also pulled the pad off of the potty area and had a high old time shredded the paper underneath. I will have less fun cleaning that listening to them make the mess ;-) Although most of the time, I still smile when cleaning it up because I remember how much they enjoyed doing it. Hopefully, it will be decent enough weather that I can let them outside while I try to clean it up. They are too helpful for me to attempt it when they are inside ;-)
The puppies hope everyone has had a nice Labor Day and say nighty, nighty, nighty to all…
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