Monday, September 22, 2014

Sept 22, 2014 9 Weeks Old

Fin, Tootsie and T2J (still looking for his new name) each had a good first night in their new homes.  I guess my time introducing them to crates and the bedtime routine is still well spent.  I'm glad it makes it easier on the new owners but I'm more concerned about the puppies' happiness.
Keeper (fka Kodiak) and Chipmunk had a good day.  They seem content enough to play with each other, the mamaBug, me and whoever else turns up.  They had some good naps and several good romps and a visit from Keeper's people this evening.  At least he's still here tonight.
I haven't made their pen any smaller yet, not certain I will before the little girly leaves.  It's a LOT more fun making things bigger for growing puppies than taking it down after they leave.  At least T2J will be nearby and I should see the others occasionally.
Happy 9 weeks birthday babydogs!

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