Well, the MamaBug no longer has unfettered access to the pupsters because Kodiak went over the gate this morning. ;-( I took them outside after breakfast, lunch and dinner so they could potty and play. The after dinner trip had light rain on us and some thunder and lightning in the distance but it didn’t seem to affect the pupsters.
Tomorrow is another big traveling day – we head to Columbus and back for the annual ophthalmology appointments (they were always called CERFs but OFFA has taken over) for the big dogs and the first exam for the puppies. We are going to have a full load this time, it was interesting last year and this year we have 5 puppies to add to the process. Good thing we have some extra people. It will be interesting taking everybody in and out. The MSU may be lonely here without any dogs to keep him company. We’ll be back tomorrow night so he won’t be lonesome too long. We’ll all probably be pretty tired though.
I’m going to redo the pen again tomorrow evening (at least I plan to do so, I may be too tired after that trip) and integrate crates and the walk through door on the pen. They are getting pretty good at coming in when called (and tracking little wet pawprints and leaves across the floor) as long as they don’t become too sidetracked by a big dog. We’ll see how they do coming all of the way in AND following me outside, too.
I’m going to do some more trip preparation (but there’ll still be a bunch of things to do in the am, you can’t pack puppies up the night before a trip) and then we’ll sing the 3 songs and go nighty, nighty, nighty. If I don’t manage to post tomorrow, it’s due to exhaustion on my part but I shall try.
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