Good Morning, good morning the little dogs say! And they didn’t say it really early either. The monitor kicked off sometime between 4:45 and 6:45 and I missed a couple of poops but at 6:45 they were asleep. I came down at 7:30 and they woke up and had breakfast. Then they had their big morning playtime. They got into the castle sandbox after 45 minutes but they did NOT go to sleep. After an hour and a half, everybody but Turtle settled into sleep. Turtle kept wanting to be held so I obliged -I know, quite an aberration on my part ;-) Eventually though, she turned into a snapping Turtle and after I kept redirecting her with a toy, it occurred to me that she might be overtired/over stimulated. At that point I put her in with the other puppies and she went nighty, nighty nappy, too.
Somehow, I sent an email to the blog that I meant to send elsewhere so if you were wondering what that link to Optigen was all about, it was something that we do for genetic tests prior to breeding our dogs. Bela is having her tests done at the Specialty as part of a group and I apparently didn’t listen closely enough to the address and outlook autofilled the blog address.
I then did my morning puppy chores and cleaned the rubber floor, etc, etc for all of the good that does since it either rains and keeps the carpet wet or I wet it down to keep the puppies cool and then they traipse across the floor. But at least it’s new dirt each day ;-) I am even vacuuming twice a day! (I know other people vacuum regularly but I have always hated running the sweeper. In our division of labor, that was one of the MSU’s jobs so until I got Jack I had only vacuumed twice after we got married. To have an inside dog, I vacuumed the dog room daily.)
Puppies are starting to demand to go OUT of the pen to poop. They are having a pretty obvious potty dance even outside too so they are well on their way. That’s nice but it does mean I need to be very vigilant and get them outside if it is an ‘off’ time and I need to reward it too. It is somewhat self-rewarding to them but right now, they just don’t want to do it where they live. If they have a big enough area, they would go anyway.
Apparently, last night when I went inside and the MSU hadn’t yet set up the monitor (but was where he could see them) I hadn’t latched the MamaBug’s gate into the pen and one of the puppies was ‘at large’ in the rubber room. He was replaced before he got into anything – he was either chasing his mama or she was trying to herd him or some combination thereof so he wasn’t going to do anything bad for a little while anyway.
We added 2 new people to the list today. We are at 23 now so slightly more than haflway to our minimum new people after 4 weeks old goal.
Puppies are napping so I am going to leave the MSu in charge and go take a much needed bath and wash my hair for a change. I may not get it dried but at least I will be clean for a while. Then I’ll do last call and we’ll all say nighty, nighty, nighty…
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