Happy Birthday Grandsire Griffin! I hope you enjoyed your cones.
And Happy Howloween! Bluehemoth is ready for that holiday but I don’t know if any of the other puppies will howl. I doubt we will encounter any trick or treaters, one year we got 3 and the little boy asked if we were giving out oxygen after walking up the driveway. They moved it to tomorrow night but I don’t think we will get any. Maybe some visitors later will wear their Halloween costumes for us.
I put the garden fencing and ex pen up so the puppies can’t go through real fence. Lemony helped me with that because she wanted to go outside to poop while everyone else was napping. She ran around a lot but also kept close track of where I was.
Since the yard was prepared (ok, I need a bungee on one end of the ex pen and I need to take the baby gate out with me when I go to keep them from going through the gate on the hillside end but it should take them a few trips outside before they breach those defenses), I took them outside to eat lunch, play and potty – not necessarily in that order. They did a lot of playing, a little pottying and a little eating when they could find the time. It’s not very warm and part of the time it was drizzling rain but they were all having a high old time. They were pretty good to try to come inside when I called but we need to work on re-entering the pen. I either need a second person or an automatic crate door. I just go into the crate and call them and they come running. Problem is, I can’t reach to close the door behind the puppies. Maybe I’ll tie a string to it and pull it closed but I worry about catching a puppy part. I’ll work it out or I’ll start using the walk through door on the ex pen. Or I could get coordinated and send Doodlebug through the crate so they’ll follow and then I can close the door. I’ll have to try to remember to do that next time.
I also needed to put something on the bottom part of the glass storm door to help them realize they can’t go through it. They’ll go around it with a little prompting but they forget the next time. Since I keep forgetting to put something on the door, I’m not going to blame it on their intelligence. They are catching on to keeping noses and toeses out of the way when I say “door, door, door, door.”
All of the snow is gone from the yard. The puppy pool that was on the deck was almost full of rain/melted snow so we got quite a bit. I bet the boats are full, the gray one may have tipped again. I kept thinking we might get to take the puppies up there but the weather didn’t cooperate. We need to get them out with the tractor and turn them over for the winter. Boo! Hiss!
Jill didn’t see me feed the puppies lunch since the puppies dined al fresco. She shared hers with them on the nice clean sheet I had over their floor. They appreciated it a lot more than I did but I can’t blame her for taking care of the family. They are awfully good dogs.
The gate to the puppy pen is now closed. Camo was so very NOT. HAPPY. (bold, underline, increase font size into flashing neon and it’s still an understatement) in the ex pen this evening. I took him outside and that suited him just fine. When we came back inside, he did not want to be in the pen. He was screaming his head off (or my head off at least, it’s loud and piercing) and trying to climb out. He made it out the gate before I closed it. He almost made it out the corner a few times but not quite. I was going to help him not make it but didn’t need to yet. I guess that tomorrow, I‘ll be changing it out for the higher ex pen.
Lemony decided to join him in his quest and it is well known in puppy land that screaming at the top of your lungs while you attempt something increases your chance of success. Eventually, I went over and picked him up (after he sat politely, they are getting good at that, I hardly ever have to help them by scratching their chests anymore) and held him in my lap. That satisfied him but Lemony was still a bundle of energy when I picked her up. She wanted to run around with the big dogs and especially to help Jack with his monkey paw. After a few minutes of that, it was dinner time.
I guess tomorrow we will see how good I am at gauging the potty times since I can’t leave the door open for Doodlebug to come and go at will. She will likely tell me when they are going to poop but it’s be better if I could get them all outside. We probably won’t do that at the midnight feeding tonight or tomorrow but we’ll see. I think the weather is supposed to improve a little so I might not mind being outside in the dark at midnight. It’s not bad at all in spring (or at least that is how I remember it now.)
We are going to say Nighty, nighty,nighty and send puppy breath dreams to all.
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