I sent a really short one from my phone last night as I was going to bed. I’ll try to do a little better now.
We had a busy day today. It started with me getting up at 4ish to let the puppies out of the crates while they were quiet. Normally, I would just open the doors so they would be open when they awoke but since the puppy formerly known as Turtle would climb up on them, I had to take them out of the pen. The pupsters settled back down quietly and we all went back to sleep.
The vet came and did the exam and health certificate for the puppy leaving tomorrow and I got things together for that. Their flight was a few minutes late but not a lot and we visited all evening. Bobby and Colleen came over to bring Armada (FKA Dyson) the toy with scents of home for his crate tonight. We put all of the puppies in a tote and tried to take a group picture. I know there were many attempts but I have no idea what the end results are like.
Colleen and Bruce shaved the butts on the 2 boys leaving tomorrow and we Dremeled toenails on those 2 boys, too. Both were very good for both procedures. I left their nails a little long in anticipation of the first dremeling. We’ll try to do the others shortly before they go as well.
I crated Camo and Armada Dyson individually in the pool room with their new people scent items and crated TJ and Peppy together out there. There was a little fussing for a few minutes after I sang the 3 songs and said nighty, nighty, nighty but they stopped quickly. It helps when you start with tired puppies, I am sure. Eventually, we all went to bed but I gate Doodlebug out of the rubber room.
And then we all went nighty, nighty, nighty
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