Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 3, 2012 Pupdate

               Good morning, good morning the little dogs say!  We didn’t keep our perfect record last night, we came back inside when someone still needed to poop.  Only one and it wasn’t a big mess so we were ok.  We had breakfast and potty time outside but then Dog Cindi and I loaded up half of the puppies and drove up to do the first round of evaluations.  Bruce brought the second half when we were getting close to done.  There was another poop between when I brought them in and when he loaded them up but they weren’t being monitored like hawks.  We are so far back on track for after lunch and dinner but we may be a little off schedule.

               The puppies were very quiet in the car, Bruce reported the same.  Each load had one puppy puke after we got off the interstate and onto the curvy road.  Just a little whining and then the odor.  They didn’t roll in it or anything, it was a pretty easy cleanup.  Bruce managed not to hurl between the puking and unloading the puppies (probably not 3 minutes but still.)

               Apparently, we had a slight failure to communicate because Bruce called as he was starting to pull out of the driveway to see if we had taken 6 puppies.  I thought it was clear at all times that we were taking 5 but he only loaded 4 in the car.  I couldn’t talk because the puppy being tested would have heard me and everybody assumed he was just teasing us.  I finally got someone to take me to where they couldn’t hear me to take the phone but by then he had come back into the house and looked again.  He found the puppy sound asleep under the pool in the pen.  It WAS prime naptime after all. It took about 10 years off my life though.  I was afraid someone had unlatched one of the gates and a puppy had gotten loose.  Of course my imagination goes straight to it having chewed on an electric cord (about the only thing that could hurt a puppy in here but they may be able to get through/under the gates into the other rooms.

               Evaluations gave some good information, no huge surprises on this one.  We had some sleepy puppies though.  We’ll do another version next weekend along with the conformation evaluations and CERF exams.  I guess I might have to stop calling them CERFs since OFA is maintaining a database now and people may switch over.  I’ll try to start calling it an Ophthalmology exam but CERF is easier to type ;-)

               After the evaluations, we all played in the yard.  The puppies had  high old time and got to play with 3 of Debbie’s Border Collies (not all of them).  I think they may have wondered where their flags were but otherwise played with them.  Nike (the oldest one) really liked them but Laser of them was scared of them in mass quantities.  Swift liked them fine but she likes to be the chaser instead of the chasee.  The puppies Mama and grandmamma have already been explaining good dog manners so they knew just how to react.  They were exuberant but respectful (as 7 week old puppies should be anyway) and very engaging.

               The puppies did fine for the trip home, nice and quiet and no puking.  We fed them lunch and they did a little pottying and piled up for a nap in the playhouse.  The puppies had some more visitors this afternoon/evening bringing the unduplicated census of new people met after 4 weeks old up to 32.  We have at least 2 more tomorrow, hopefully 4.

               We gain an hour tonight.  I wonder how long it will take to adjust the puppies over to the new time.  I’ll try feeding them later tonight so maybe we can sleep a little later in the morning.  Otherwise, I’ll have to try to sneak in nap when they take theirs maybe.

               Dinner was served in the playhouse in the pouring rain and dark.  It was also kind of cold.  I was the one most affected.  They puppies ate voraciously, then went out to play and potty.  We brought them in to finish the play when it appeared the poopfest was over.  They are doing better about coming into the pen, only 2 rogue puppies.  I go to the other side and call them and Bruce closes the doors. Then we grab the stragglers and put them in over the side.  I think I will try to plan better tomorrow and put a little high value something in the far corner to help lure them into place.  Pouring water in to a dish might work for these puppies.

               I’m going to crash until it is time for last call and midnight snack.  We’ll say nighty, nighty, nighty in advance.


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