Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 30, 2012 Pupdate

               Good morning, good morning the little dogs say.  They seemed to have a restful night in their new area.  We let Doodlebug have the run of the rubber room so we left her in charge and went to bed.   Granted, I used the baby monitor and Bruce set his alarm to take Doodlebug out to potty and feed her (mostly to feed her but we make her go walk the plank just in case.)  I slept some but did get up pretty early to check on everybody.  They were eating when I came down.  Then the Mamabug had another 1,000 calories.  6 meals at nearly 1,000 calories each gets her through another day of growing the 10 little puppies.

               Dog Cindi brought some test fleece for their crate pads and I washed it yesterday and they are trying some out each day.  So far, we haven’t found one I love so they may not all match.  They will all smell like home though and that’s the important thing about them.  I’ll still wash numerous times before they leave but that’s part of the smell of home, too.  I will have the Mamabug lie on it as well as put it in with puppies shortly before they leave, too. 

               The pupsters are getting more and more mobile, capable of following/chasing the Mama in the pen for a snack.  Not very fast and they can’t reach up to nurse while she is standing yet but a couple of them have tried this morning.  More tried this evening when she went in to clean up and they are getting better and better at jumping up.  A few try to use her legs to help but nobody has quite accomplished it yet.  Fortunately, she’ll go in and lie down long enough for everyone to eat so it’s not an urgent situation.

               I also think they are starting to be able to see her because they will try to nose her through the ex pen.  If (ok when , who are we kidding with If) one sits in the puppy pen, it doesn’t take long for them to come over for a cuddle.  They are very cute and yawn a lot.  I don’t know if that is already a trained response so I can get puppy breath; they just need to yawn; or if they are already giving calming signals.  Since they usually snuggle in for a cuddle, I doubt that they are trying to calm us.

               Puppy yoga is now officially done.  Whatever will I find to do with myself and the puppies?  I’m sure we’ll find something.   I’m sure you are all on the edge of your seats to find out what…

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