Tuesday, September 18, 2012

9/18/12 Pupdate - late afternoon

               I’m getting really good at counting to ten.  Wonder if that will help me stay calm throughout the rest of my life.  My goodness, these puppies are cute and so very sweet.  They eat a lot and THE Mama is keeping them nice and clean and well fed.  The puppy box is almost irresistible.  The only one of us who isn’t highly interested in them is Jack and he has better things to do.  He probably realizes it’s only a matter of time until they are big enough to take his toys.

               I gave Doodlebug a quick shower today and force dried her coat a little before I let her back in with the babies so they wouldn’t get cold.  It didn’t take long and I put the fleece pad in the pool when she came back.  SammieDoodlebug the Princess (Jill has always been the queen) is accustomed to being wrapped in a towel after her shower so that helped keep everyone warm enough as well.  As soon as I put them on the fleece, the puppies started rooting around to see if they could nurse on it but they bellied up to the bar pretty quickly. 

 If SammieDoodlebug isn’t in the whelping box, she’s perfectly content to have Jack and Jill around and doesn’t bat an eye but she is still spending most of her time in the pool.  I’ve been feeding her in there which is part of why she needed a bath, she had yogurt and cottage cheese and other such delights in her hair ;-(  I still gave her one of her lunches in the pool but I covered her hair with a towel.  I think she might need a bib or she might start taking her meals out of the pool. With 10 little mouths to feed, a few are almost always nursing so I hate to make her leave to eat.  She may be a little spoiled but she’s saving me a lot of work by feeding them all and cleaning up after them.

               While I had her in the shower, grand dam Jill supervised  the puppy pool.  Cindi let her check on the puppies and surprisingly, she just checked them from the side of the box and then arranged herself in a supervisory position on the dog bed couch.  We were worried that she would try to take over the puppies (she was a VERY good mother, too) and that SammieDoodlebug  wouldn’t  take kindly to that but they’ve been fine.  If one of the puppies makes a noise, you can tell whether or not to worry about it by how the girls react to it.  I often check anyway but it’s nice to have backup. 

               The puppies have definitely started to do some tail wagging while they nurse.  They’ll be nursing and those little tails will be up and wagging furiously.  A few of them have white tip on the end of their tail that we didn’t notice initially. 

               The pink girl is going to get a collar like everyone else’s since I got the permanent markers and colored the white ones for her.  I got metallic silver markers for the grey puppy’s but it doesn’t show up much either for me.  I think it might become light green or light blue.  I got a lot of colors so when dog Cindi wakes up from her nap, I’ll see what she thinks it prettier.  I’ll still have to do a little test patch to make sure it will be different enough for me to see it.  When I get that straightened out, I will try to post a list of which puppy is which so you can follow the cast of characters (at least until I give them each twelve nicknames like I do with the other dogs…)

               I’m going to post this now so I don’t have such a hurry to do it right before my shift to sleep tonight.  There might be another post today or it might be in tomorrow’s.  I’m sure you will all be on pins and needles waiting to hear what color grey becomes ;-)


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