Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 26, 2012

               Good morning, good morning the little dogs say.  Or at least that what they said when I came downstairs this morning.  The MSU was on duty and no one escaped from the pool in the night so all was well.

               SammieDoodlebug has also started taking some of her meals out of the pool (she ate 2 meals in her crate.)  She had just gotten out of the pool when I started to prepare the meal so she came out to watch me.  She even hid behind Bruce’s golf net (when I am making their food, she likes to lie behind the practice net) and then trotted in to the crate when I carried in the bowls.  She ate almost all of it before the puppies made noise and she had to go check on them so I brought the rest in to her.  She ate a chicken quarter in her crate today.  That’s nice because I didn’t have to hold it for her (I don’t like raw chicken all over the house)

               When I did the changing of the pools this morning (we took the noodle pig rails out of the second pool so I can use both of them again), the Blue Behemoth was walking all over the new one.  He has eyes!  Bruce said he was looking around.  I know they don’t see much at first but I did turn off the awful fluorescent lights overhead (pardon me while I rant, I HATE that you can’t get normal light bulbs any more.  The fluorescent ones make my head hurt more and they take forever to light up.  At least a candle would be immediate) and turn on the halogen lamp in the corner to help their transitions to sighted puppies.

               Pink! was also walking around.  I think they were looking for their mother who was in the other pool (true PWDs like to help you with whatever you are doing.  That usually involves being right in the middle of the way.  Try to move a rug with 3 of them on it.)  I let Dyson and Brown (he really needs a good nickname because his collar color is confusing.  I put the brown color on a black puppy because I had a better chance of be able to find that.  A brown puppy could’ve just been a streaker.  So while it helps me, it’s confusing in writing and I will have to remedy that) nurse until the Mama said it was closing time.

               While the 8 were in the other pool unattended by their mother, Grand dam Jill kept watch over them.  She didn’t get in the pool but she was right there and several of them touched noses with her. It will fun to see what happens when they are big enough to chase her around.  I wonder if she’ll correct them or let them get by with stuff because they are little.  Maybe she’ll help Doodlebug clean up after them.

               New observation today:  when I lean over into the pool on my elbows, the puppies all cuddle in closer.  They sniff and I get to smell puppy breath.

               Early Neurological Stimulation (aka Puppy yoga) is getting more difficult.  They are very good and cooperative at first (and almost always yawn so I can get a good whiff of puppy breath) but they are hard to keep on the cool damp cloth.  Maybe I’ll have to put it in a container so they can’t get away.  We don’t have much longer to be doing that anyway so we’ll work it out.

               While doing ENS last night, we did notice that more puppies are opening their eyes.  It won’t be long now.                     

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