Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4 Pupdate

And now there are only 4 here ;-( Rowdy (fka Limey) has gone to his new home in Cincinnati. He had a nice trip home and has settled right in so far. I hope he has a quiet night but probably not as much as they hope he does ;-)
I still miss him a lot. I am trying to console myself with the fact that the puppies are making their new people happy and will get lots of attention but I’m still having to hit the Fudgesicles hard.

Indy’s Cindi (now also Bela’s Cindi) brought Bela and Cary along with Indy for the afternoon/evening. We had a great water practice with SammieDoodlebug and then Indy before taking the puppies up to the pond. It was much more of a let them gambole around than organized swim and whlie none of them ended up swimming much on their own, we had a lot of up and down the bank and wading and playing. The unmown grass on the hillside is a BIG draw and lots of fun.
Cary found a partial crawdad (I didn’t think we had them in the pond, maybe one of the birds brought and dropped it?) and Bela helped him eat it. I think she may have gotten the lion’s share - it’s a bitch thing. Carrera (fka Purple) played under the dock and enjoyed jumping frogs.
Pink was quite full of herself and even played in the sand pile enough to get a really sandy behind. We heard some fireworks in the distance several time while we were out playing but the puppies didn’t seem to take any notice of it. That’s a good sign. Indy’s Cindi said they had some in the distance at her house last night but the puppies were too sacked out to even notice.
All day long,I thought of things they were doing that I wanted to include in the blog but now I am so tired that I can’t remember most of them. Must be a sign of old age. My computer is also having fits so I think I’ll post this and shut it down. If I think of any of the other things, I’ll put them in another blog.
Nighty, nighty, nighty

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