Thursday, July 22, 2010

11 weeks old

I can't believe the puppies are 11 weeks old tonight.  4 of them are spending their birthdays in their new homes and 2 (Pink! and Cary) are still here.  Cary is supposed to go to his new home on Saturday and Pink is supposed to be here until the 29th.  I don't know what I am going to do without them.

We had a great time at the water trial.  We took Pink and Cary and Indy's Cindi's MiraBella and Amy brought Carrera so we had a passel of puppies with us.  It made for an interesting time getting them out to potty (we carried them out) but they were very good and quiet for the most part.  They'd settle down quickly when we turned out the lights so we did that rather early (not that we weren't tired enough to do that anyway.)

The puppies were very good in the ex pen corral we made for them at the water trial and they got lots more socialization.  We had a few volunteers to help us wrangle while they swam, too.

On Sunday, they got their little muzzles shaved.  Some of them took it better than others.  Cary whined a little but held still, MiraBella was about the funniest because she would fuss until she got  a kiss but would immediately start again when the clippers touched her.  All in all, they had a good first expereince with it.

Indy and Cindi got his Working Water Dog title; that's 2 titles this July for him.  SammieDoodlebug decided that I was trying to trick her after the boat ride and wouldn't come off the platform so she did not get her Apprentice Title.  We're working on it; I really hope to get her enthusiasm back.

Pink! and Cary have been working on sits and downs and walking along with me (and sitting on both sides of a door) and retrieving.  They are doing well but they can't retrieve if I have treats.  They can only do that for the joy of doing it again.

One of my favorite things to do with them these days is to sit on the edge of the wheelchair ramp deck and then lie down.  The puppies cuddle and climb all over me and generally remember to be gentle.  It's awfully sweet.

It's almost time to get them ready for nighty, nighty, nighty...

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