Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Sunday July 11th:

So we start on our journey home, Carrera (purple) was pretty quiet. We stopped at a Wendy's as I was starving and decided I'd risk an awful stomach ache as they have a drive-through and I can pay with a credit card there. She got sick at that point, just a little though and I wiped it up as best I could.

We stopped at the first rest stop in VA to see if she wanted to pee, but she wanted nothing to do with being a leash and even less to do with walking. I tried for a bit calling her, but she seemed to be totally disinterested so I put her back in the car and we continued on. (Salazar did water a bush there so all was not lost). There was an awful accident on 81 where traffic came to a complete standstill before Staunton. I called Matt and he routed me onto RT11 which is some 2 lane country road. Seems it was a good idea as tractor trailers were doing it too. Matt said the backup was over 8 miles and wasn't moving at all. I never saw what happened, but it slowed me down a lot.

We stopped at another rest stop and true to form, she refused again to do anything. I grabbed a hazelnut latte at McDonalds and could hear her get sick again :( Looked like just a little bit of foam. Seems she is like Salazar and does okay as long as you are moving, but doesn't like slowing down. We got home at 930pm and my mom came over to help the transition. Both dogs had dinner, Carrera ate with Matt out on the deck and Salazar ate inside with my mom and me. She seems to enjoy her expanded region of grass to run around. There is a slope to our yard so she would run up and down.

Playing ref between her and Salazar, trying to pay 200% attention to Salazar, and still watch her is challenging. He is pretty jealous. She poo'd and peed before bed like a good girl. Salazar was allowed to sleep in our bed last night to show him he's higher on the totem pole and he seemed to appreciate it. Carrera cried a minute or two but hushed down quickly and was quiet until Matt's alarm went off at 5am. I took her out promptly as I'm sure she was awake and she peed right away, good girl.

We went back to bed, her in her crate, Salazar and me in the big bed and Matt going to work. At 630 we got up, I tried to feed them on different sides of a baby gate but not visible to each other and failed. So I took her outside and fed her and then put her in the crate and sat with Salazar. We then went outside and played for a while, he is still getting used to her. I then put him inside and walked around with her to see if she had to pee. Now she's in her crate napping and Z is passed out at my feet.

Good pup pups. She seems to be eating the TOW Salmon okay. She gets distracted easily though and we do some hand feeding to make sure she eats. This morning I was feeding her and having her sit. She did very well riding in the crate and didn't fuss. I'm assuming she peed in her crate and got sick as the bedding was damp. My mom brought over some dry bedding for her last night. She should be getting used to my voice as well, the trip was long and who doesn't sing along with "Don't stop believing..." lol

How are the others?

Monday: July 12th

The video shows her retreiving a tennis ball. Salazar and I were outside picking up poo so Matt worked with her alone. She also enjoyed playing with the pugs and was much more vocal and outgoing.

Alright, now to see if this works!

Amy, Matt, Salazar and Carrera

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