Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 12 Pupdate

July 12 Pupdate

I’m a little behind on my blogging (too many Fudgesicles?) but I’ll try to do better. With a new computer (Wed) and a water trial, I’m not sure how successful I will be but keep checking.

Bagby (fka Royal) and Carrera (fka Purple) left with their new people on Sunday. By all accounts they made it home safely and are settling in well. I will post Carrera’s report since I can’t figure out how to allow guest bloggers.

Rowdy is settling in to his new home and playing more with his new older brother and swimming n the pool. He is supposed to come visit next Monday for some playing and grooming. He was the only one not here to get his behind re-lionized on Sunday. His mom is going to send us a guest blog soon, too.

Since MiraBella (fka Green) went back home with Cindi Sunday night, I am down to 2 puppies here. Needless to say, I’ve had to have a lot of Fudgesicles.

Cary and Pink! are dong fine without the others and are enjoying each others company for the most part. They have the occasional little puppy spat but since there aren’t other puppies to play with, they definitely make up quickly. I have also noticed that they are learning more and more about right and wrong ways to use teeth.

Cary has been asking for more tummy rubs in the last couple of days – maybe because he is less likely to get stepped on by another puppy in the process. He sits by the ex pen until he is sure you are coming and then he flops over to have his tummy rubbed. Very cute!

Pink! is very cute and still seems quite fearless. She hasn’t come over the top of the crate like Carrera did but she’s right in on any action. She can move the little crate by pulling on the rug I have under it. I am pretty certain it weighs more than she does but that’s no deterrent.

So far, the defenses in the dog yard have held. I hesitate to say that because the puppies always break out after I do...

Nighty, nighty, nighty to all.

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