Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 10 Pupdate

July 10 Pupdate
Computer trouble last night kept me from getting the pupdate out and I’ve been busy today. It did rain yesterday which was very nice and it cooled down a little and we had lower humidity today, I think. We had nice weather for water practice and then puppy playtime afterward.

I gave the puppies baths this morning and they all stood in the shower like big dogs. They are awfully good puppies. They were also very good for getting their little butts re-lionized. Haven’t tackled any muzzles yet, we don’t want to push our luck too far ;-) Besides Indy’s Cindi and Indy had to go finish his Rally Advanced title. BellaBoo stayed here while they did that. Cindi reported that Bella slept until 8:30 this am! What a good girl she was. The puppies here got up much earlier than that but I didn’t take them back out to potty at 1’ish. Maybe it’d be worth it to switch over to that.

Jill didn’t feed the puppies at all today. Yesterday we had a replay of how to eat raw chicken for the puppies. She didn’t care that I had given them their own – shi insisted on sharing hers and then monitoring them. They were a lot better at it this time. They even managed to eat part of the bone until I took it away.

The new reinforcements in the dog yard worked until this evening when Indy went over the fence. Carrera and someone else (a black one but I didn’t retrieve them so I don’t know which one) made a break for it after we had been outside for a while so we brought all of the puppies back in.

I am trying to finish getting everything together for Carrrera and Bagby to leave for their new homes tomorrow. I will really miss those little guys and will only have 2 here to console me. Pink will be here until the end of the month and plans have changed for Cary. I won’t know when he’s leaving until I know who his new owners will be. For now, I need to go cuddle these babies for a last nighty, nighty, nighty time.

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