Saturday, July 3, 2010

July 3 Pupdate

The puppies definitely know the routine in the mornings. So do the big dogs. The puppies need to get outside earlier than the big dogs so they wait patiently as the puppies run out (right past Jack’s crate) into the yard to potty. On rare occasions, one of them has to pee before getting off the decking but that washes away. They run and play and poop – not necessarily in that order. This morning, I had to remember that I only needed 5 poops before I fixed their breakfasts. (If I’m not right there, I don’t know that everyone goes or how it is or any of those other important facts in a dog’s life.)

Jill feeds them when I let her out. She is sleeping in her crate all night but she likes to check on them at last call. She is still such a good mother, she feeds them before she walks the plank. The big dogs are getting up a lot earlier than they usually do so she can probably hold it with no problem but she does go as soon as they have eaten. Then I give them their oatmeal mixture or moistened kibble. They don’t show as much interest in dog food so I try to give it to them on the occasional morning since they seem hungrier in the morning.

This morning I gave them each a blueberry. I was eating them and gave one to each of the big dogs so I decided to include the puppies. Jack will eat whatever I tell him to eat (very handy if he needs to take a pill), Jill is slightly pickier when she doesn’t have puppies and SammieDoodle will see what Jack does with a new food. The puppies’ each took their blueberry and eventually ate them but they played with them a little.

When the puppies had their morning nap, I tried to take a nap and squelch a budding headache (my head only hurts on days that end in Y.) It took a lot longer than I planned but the puppies were quiet. Fortunately, their lunch wasn’t late ;-) Shortly after their lunch, Indy’s Cindi brought (Mira)Bella and Indy back for a visit. Bela (we are having a minor dispute about how many l’s are prettier) just joined right back in with the gang although there was a lot of sniffing going on. We took Indy up to the pond for some water practice and then we le the puppies out to play some more.

Limey got to do some more swimming but in the pool. It was VERY cold (the new filtration is connected but the heat isn’t on yet) but it bothered me a lot more than him. He caught right on to how to climb out the steps and wasn’t afraid but we kept him from falling/jumping in on his own. Since it was so cold, we stopped after him. He is leaving tomorrow instead of waiting until Tuesday so I wanted to make sure he got exposed to the pool swimming. The others can wait ;-)

Bela took Cary home with her for a sleepover. Puppy class is in the middle of the afternoon tomorrow so I won’t be able to go but Debbie (of the swimming border collies) is going to work him in puppy class. I checked on them and they had big fun and were snoozing. The plan is for them to sleep in separate crates but plans sometimes change ;-) Limey will sleep alone tonight but with a view of his siblings. He’ll sleep with his new mom’s shirt again tonight so he’ll be a little more used to the scent of their house. He’ll take his crate pad from here so he’ll have this familiar scent as well. And all I’ll have is fudgesicles (and his siblings who will eventually leave me as well.)

The 4 puppies here tonight are acting like they are ready to go out for last call so I’m going to get things ready for bedtime. Nighty, nighty, nighty…

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