Saturday, December 12, 2020

12/11/20 Pupdate

At least we had nice weather (for early/mid December anyway) for our last full day together.  We spent a lot of it practicing being ‘big dogs’.  Since they come and go through the dog door as they please (I do keep track of them but I don’t try to lock them out anymore), I let them hang out loose while I cleaned their pen; vacuumed the rubber floor; blew off the deck; and did various other tasks.  Other than getting under foot while I ran the sweeper, it went well.  I did put them in their pen while I steam mopped the floor because I didn’t want the to get close enough to be burned.  They are investigative little boys.

I gave them baths again today but this time they stood in the laundry sink and licked squirty cheese off of the walls to have them assist in the positioning.  Other than the second one wanting a turn before I finished the first, it went well.  I got some good cuddling with clean puppies wrapped in towels afterward.

They had several visitors today - 3 of whom were new to the pupsters.  Good thing they like masks!  But hand sanitizer makes them sneeze - we only ever found one kind that didn’t make Grandsire Jack sneeze and someone gave it to us so I can’t buy more ;-(

I guess tomorrow I will start putting things away for a while, that thought makes me sad.  Today, while we were outside I worked more on disassembling the puppy cube with all of the dangly items.  It’s been taking a while because the puppies insist on helping me.  Today, they grabbed the pvc bar with the pvc pieces dangling from it and ran out into the yard with it. It is larger than they are and fairly heavy comparatively but they each managed just fine. 

Nighty, nighty, nighty and puppy breath to all

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