Wednesday, December 9, 2020

12/09/20 Pupdate

The little boys have been overly excited about the prospect of food (as in they scream whenever I go out to where I prep the food) so I took them out to watch with the big dogs so they could practice having a little self control (as in rewarding them for trying to be patient).  I didn’t do that this morning and one of the puppies turned up to ‘help’. SInce I did not neglect to secure the pen (I went back to check), they will either be released to come help me or safely contained in a crate when I do something that exciting.

I took them out in the big yard for a little romp early this am and they enjoyed that immensely. They were faster to potty that way - they were getting too distracted by rumpusing with their parents (everyone was wound up today). They especially enjoy going that route because of the ramp.

It was warmer and sunny today so we spent more time outside this afternoon.  I also moved the mickey mouse fencing so they could come and go from the utility room while I did laundry.  They found that interesting as usual.  Previously, I only took one puppy at a time in to do laundry.

They were good boys for being brushed on the table and helped me rinse off things with the hose.  They finally consented that my neoprene gloves are mine and not for little puppy needle teeth although I fully expect to revisit that issue again the next time I wear them ;-). We’re working on eating separately (in the crates), too.  It’s generally been a busy day here again today.  The puppies have taken time out from their busy schedules to be cuddled, give kisses and nap but, come to think of it, that is a big part of their schedule.  We’re going to go cuddle a little more before we go out to potty and then Nighty, nighty, nighty time.  Puppy breath to all

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