Saturday, December 5, 2020

12/05/20 9 Weeks Old!

I can’t believe they are 9 weeks old.   And yes, somehow they’ve managed to get even more adorable.  

They had another good night.  They are pretty noisy getting into their crates but are quiet as soon as they get inside.  The noise is them trying to get into the crate as quickly as possible and they can’t  understand while I insist on there only being 1 puppy per crate.  No pottying overnight and held it until we all got outside.  They have to say good morning to me while I open the rest of the crates to take let everyone out the door.  But there are fewer than there were yesterday morning.

It wasn’t as cold this am which just means there was still plenty of mud available but they were content to come inside for a healthy breakfast after everyone pottied and said good morning.  We had some group cuddling and then some extra cuddles from Indigo Blue Boy since he was going with his new family today.  The puppies also did some big time wrestling before their morning naps.  

Indigo Blue (now known as Belvie) went home with his new people after a little extra running amok time right before he left.  I hope he has a good night for a pleasant tomorrw.  The others that have left are living close enough for me to see more frequently.  It’s even harder when they aren’t going to be back in and out frequently.

The sun was actually shining this afternoon so we went out to play and took a little ramble in the big yard.  They are pretty fond of free ranging but good to come when called.  I generally keep moving so they don’t get too far away while looking at things.  They continue to enjoy the running up and down the ramp at high speeds when we are out in ‘the world’

As if it weren’t bad enough that I have to keep changing the number of puppies I count to lower and lower numbers, they little monsters have decided that it’s fun to burrow in UNDER the fluffy crate beds so I am ‘missing’ puupies.  They come out happily when I talk to them but it still scares me for a moment.

We all had a nice nap before their dinner time.  They’ve had a few big play sessions this evening, too.  They feel sorry for me missing their siblings so they try to make as much nouse as when there were still 7 here.  Considerate little puppies ;-)

They are also very helpful in correcting my arrangements of things.  Not only do they ‘fix’ the placement of the beds in the crates and linens, they’ve taken to moving the elevated bed, as well.  That thing is not small and often there is at least one puppy on it when someone else is dragging it.  I do make sure they aren’t moving it over to the fence edge to go over the wall ;-)

As much as they enjoy every new toy that appears, they still play with the vtech piano toy a lot.  And if I leave it on top of a crate when I clean their area, they try really hard to get it back down.  If I notice what they are after and hand it to them, they are pouncing on it before I can get it to the floor.  

I think they are starting to wind down a little.  They’ve been zooming in anticipation of bedtime but they are going into the the lie around and play bitey mouth stage.  It really cute - especially when they get lazy and just lie on their backs beside one another and make the noises but don’t really bother mouthing each other.  Perhaps, they are learning not to bite so hard.  Generally, they are being more gentle with me however all bets are off when I am cleaning up poop in the yard. I can’t tell if they think they are helping; if they want attention; or if they’ve learned I’m not going to reach down and detach them when I have a poop covered glove on my hand.  Probably some combination of the above ;-)

I think we’re going to have a little cuddle before I take them out for last call.  Nighty, nighty, nighty and puppy breath to all

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