Sunday, December 6, 2020

12/06/20 Pupdate

The pupsters slept all through the night in their crates again just fine.  I didn’t sleep very well and got up at 5 to go the bathtub but they didn’t fuss when they heard me moving around.  Their parents barked at something and Great Grammie Sammie started fussing before I came back downstairs but they didn’t. Good puppies!

After breakfast, the 4 of them played together and we had some cuddling time.  The little green boy had a bath after his morning brushing but the others didn’t get a shower today.  They had one yesterday and most of the mud brushes out when they dry off (plus they had a full day of frolicking in more mud planned). I got a few extra minutes of cuddling with him in a towel after his shower.  I don’t have many wet puppies wrapped in a towel cuddles left with these babies.

Phoebe took the opportunity to hop up onto the grooming table with us while he was getting brushed.  That’s not unusual for her but it’s a little odd because she will nurse the puppies while up there.  That’s about the only time she nurses them these days. Always something new.

We had some sunshine during our outside time today and then we all had a nap.  There may only be 3 of them now but they can still make plenty of noise when they are rumpusing (or waiting for me to prep their food).   They did some excited barking when we went outside for  potty time tonight.  They’ve gotten pretty good at zoomies, too.  Against all odds, they found a way to get even more adorable!

They’re going to demonstrate their adorableness going into their crates after we go out for last potties.  They’ve been being quiet as soon as I let them into a crate (they are a little noisy in their excitement while trying to get into the crates) and then go Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all

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