Tuesday, December 8, 2020

12/08/20 Pupdate

The puppies had an eventful day.  We had a slow start to the morning because I kept going back to sleep but so did they.  (I was up by 9 which is early by my normal standards but not for puppies.). During one of our morning outings, their parents were way too rambunctious outside with them. Phoebe had the squirrel nest toy again so I had to make sure that it didn’t get left outside with some of the other toys she’s allowed to get soaking wet.  She’s more than willing to carry around a sopping wet toy but I’m not as fond of that.  I guess she thinks it’s good enough for water so it’s good enough for her.  The puppies enjoy a sopping wet toy, too but I think we currently have enough of those outside for them to enjoy.

About noon thirty, we loaded them up into the crate in the van so they could go play with Elle at Aunt Grandma Cindi’s while I went to a dr appt.  They fussed at the door openings/closings but then they were good quiet puppies.  Aunt Grandma Cindi was running late so she met us in the parking lot of the Dr’s office and we moved them into her van.  She had to go more places before going home so they rode around for a while.

Then they got to run around in the big back yard with their sister.  By the time I got there, they were in the dog room with Cindi.  I visited with their Grandma Bela a little and then went in with them.  They were having a good time with each other and seeing what they could get into up high.  They are convinced that everything UP is guaranteed to be the most interesting things ever.  Perhaps because they are used to the remote treat dispenser dropping treats from the sky.

We took another trip out into the back yard before we loaded up and headed home.  They were all nice and quiet the whole way.  I got the boys out and let them go potty in the big yard then we headed around to the gate and they came right inside.  They did attempt to greet sleeping Great GrammieSammie but I located the button to make the treats fall into their pen and they ran right into it.  We’ve had a nice evening hanging out, they played the whole time I was on our training club zoom meeting and then cuddled up for a nap.

We’re going to do a little cuddling before it’s time to go out for last potty before nighty nighty nighty.  Puppy breath to all!

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