Tuesday, December 1, 2020

12/01/20 Pupdate

The puppies saw some snow falling last night as I took them out to potty and then go into their crates for the night.  3 slept alone, 2 with a buddy.  The ones with buddies fussed a few minutes so maybe they all want their own rooms now ;-). There is enough staggering between when they leave that I’m not moving the larger crates around to let each of them sleep alone though.  Something was either being attacked or killed or trying to find a mate at 2something AM.  It woke me and the parent dogs (but not Great Grammie Sammie who apparently didn’t hear it). I thought it was something wrong with a puppy so I turned on the lights and checked on them but they were asleep and stayed asleep (or at least didn’t make a peep).  I thought as soon as I got out of bed to go check that it wasn’t coming from the right direction but, at that point, it was easier to check than lie awake worrying.  The pupsters stayed quiet.  The big dogs went outside to bark at whatever it was, they slept.  Good puppies!  They were asleep when I woke them and took them outside to potty (no accidents in the night again, YAY!)

There was slushy snow on the ground when they went outside this am.  Their first priority was to potty and then they tasted a little of the snow and ran around as usual.  We didn’t have a lot of time between daylight and leaving for the day of ride, ride, ride.  The puppies fussed a little but were quiet pretty quickly and they were remarkably good for the 4 hours there.  2 puppies did get carsick as we parked - one in each crate but I don’t know who they were.  Since it was all over one puppy’s head, I know it wasn’t that one.  There were no potty accidents but they all seemed happy to potty in the ex pen.

We planned to wait until after the eye drops to put them back in the vehicle but we were COLD and even the puppies were getting cold (it’s not like they could run around to stay warm) so we put them back to wait.  Eventually, eyes were dilated, then examined (all clear - not even puppy spots) and we headed back home.  Puppies were VERY good on the way home - no puking, no accidents and quiet.  When we let them out of the van in the front yard, they demonstrated the synchronized potty they do in the marnings, too.  It was already dark by then (thank goodness I left the outside lights on just in case) but they enjoyed running around the side of the house to come into their pen.

Much as I expected, they’ve played all evening.  I hope they wind down by bedtime.  Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all!

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