Sunday, March 25, 2018

03/25/18 Pupdate

I just realized that 3 times a day, I check to see what today’s date is and then I will still have to check for those same 3 things tomorrow. One of them is when I begin the blog post ;-)
All of the pupsters are streaking which makes it difficult for the MSU to tell which puppy is which.  To further confuse him, I’ve already given them nicknames - some of which have changed.  It makes for some ‘Who’s on first kind’ of conversations.
I should’ve started notes earlier today but it seems like I’ve stayed busy all day.  I did nap by the pool (I think that this pool rivals a traditional pool) a little this evening.  For some reason, during that nap CalyGator decided that she needed to lie right on top of me and wash my face.  Maybe she thought I looked like a sleeping puppy.  I spend enough time wallering with them that I might smell like one (I don’t have puppy breath though.)
We did all of the usual puppy things that are a lot more fun to experience than to read about but I’ll write it anyway.  The pupsters continue to grow those toenails so I continue to cut them every chance I get.  I file them on occasion but since Phoebe can’t resist the nail files (Jack couldn’t resist chewing them either), I have to remember to keep close track of them.  If the MaterGator comes by to see what is going on, it is much more difficult to finish the nails because they want to EAT when they smell her.
They are growing their little whiskers and their hair is growing more and more.  Is it time to put them in a lion trim yet?  Just kidding, we’ll wait a few more weeks (longer on the muzzles because I do love their little whiskers - as tiny puppies.  I like clean muzzles on them forever after since there is no way to shave the muzzle and keep the whiskers).
I took the thin ribbon and did a little crochet stitch to make their collars more visible but hopefully still soft enough.  I haven’t perfected tieing them on, especially when the older girls are ‘helping’.  That makes puppies extra wriggly.
They all seem to be eating well and we managed to have a well attended weight watchers meeting tonight.  Every puppy weighs over a pound.  Some of the weights may be a little low because Nanny McPhoebe supervised that so, again, wriggly puppies.  They are more fun to snuggle when they are sleepy but they show more of their development when they are wriggling around so I am fully entertained pretty much all day.
It is amazing how quiet it seems when they are all asleep at once.  They often hum - there were LLamas in the yard next to the potty spot at the hotel, I wonder if these puppies somehow inherited their humming like Phoebe got inherited rubbing her own tummy with a person’s foot from her mother’s cousin Penny (she’s a spayed Boston Terrier at my sister’s where we stayed while making that litter).  I suspect that it’s going to get a LOT noisier later with 9 of them of running around.  That’ll be fun- as long as we can avoid the needle teeth.  I’m always anxious for them to get their teeth and then anxious for them to learn not to use them on me.
Their little ears continue to do all kinds of funny things, several of them had their ears flopped back while they nursed and I find them like that a lot when they are lying on their sides.
I’m going to get back to cuddling puppies now, y’all will just have to imagine what kinds of fun things we are doing (FYI, nobody will fit into the pocket of my scrub top).  Puppy breath to all (they definitely have puppy breath now) Nighty, nighty, nighty

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