Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 9, 2015 Happy Mother's Day

Let's see since Iast posted: The puppies played and played and took a nap - several times. They continue to go happily into the crates to get a treat and settle down for the night. It really is adorable.
LeAnne and Caly came yesterday and we took the puppies up to the pond after we let the big girls have some time first. They seemed to have a good time but gave us a few heart attacks when following their mother up and down the back near the steep entrance to the pond. None of them fell in from there though. We did play on the swim platform some and Gilligan fell/was pushed/jumped off the side of that. With 4 puppies and 3 big dogs, I had trouble telling what happened until I heard the splash. He swam the few strokes back and I loaded him up and he went immediately back into eating the cookies so no big deal for him. I was a little more distressed but worked at not showing it.
They had lunch and then baths. They weren't dirty before their trip to the pond but they were really clean and fluffy after their showers. We took some pictures after they dried and LeAnne is working on posting them.
I think all of that fun was hard on my allergies because I had a rough night and morning. The puppies had to play without me the rest of the evening. I even missed temperament evaluations on a litter of Goldens this morning but I think I have it under control now.
The puppies tried to tell their Mama and Mama's Mama Happy Mother's Day but they kept using their teeth to do it. That made it a little less effective but when they told me, I understood ;-)
They had some nice romps outside today. We cut it short in the middle of the day because it was HOT outside. They were happy enough to come in the a/c, too. We played outside a few hours this evening when it was cooler and then we came in for a little nap and cage match time. Tomorrow, Gilligan goes to his new home. Much happier for his new family than me. It's almost time ot do last call and say Nighty, nighty, nighty to all

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