Saturday, May 2, 2015

May 2, 2015 Pupdate

I'm down to 4 puppies. Mayor Bumble flew home to FL this afternoon/evening. And although Dog Cindi brought Phoebe home when she came today, she took her back with her. And she took Caly back to LeAnne. It was a car full off of my babies leaving. Fortunately the MSU brought fudgesicles home. It helps but I still miss them.
Phoebe is doing well at home. She fussed a few minutes in her crate at first but then slept through the night like the good puppy she is.
The puppies had a good night in their crates and a pretty day outside. I brought them in while we all took a little nap this afternoon. Then they got to go back outside for a few more hours.
For dinner, they had a little extra because I inadvertently prpared dinner for 6 instead of 4. They didn't complain but I realized it when I set the bowls down. I'm remembering to count 4, 3, 2, 1 instead of starting at 6 but it still seems like I don't have neough puppies.
It's almost time for last call. I need to take the big dogs out separately since Jill is only going on leash out the door with the ramp and we had to close off the dog door but if I try to start early wiht them, the puppies wake up and need out. They are doing well holding it in their crates overnight and we are managing to go utside and pee before coming back in to see what's taking me so long to get the other puppies out. Tomorrow morning should go even quicker since there are only 4 of them (sob.)
I hope Bumble has a good night, he slept a lot of the way home so he might be wound up a little but they got home in enough time to play before bedtime so it mught be ok. Hope so. Nighty, nighty, nighty to my puppies and the rest of you as well.

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