Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May 6, 2015 Happy Birthday BelaBoo

MamaB is 5 years old today. The puppies haven't done much to help her celebrate yet but I've been singing to her and giving her extra cuddles. She'll get some extra treating, too.
I've been a bad blogger. I started entries Monday and yesterday and never got around to finishing posting. We hope that the Vicki (Mojo's HuMama) had a good birthday. And we found the Star Wars theme and played it loudly for hte puppies since it was May the 4.
We didn't do anything for Cinco de Mayo yesterday. We just did happy puppy raising life activities.
The 3 puppies that have homes are learning there new names. Green Hornet gets exra attention for being the 'poor little as yet homeless puppy' so he doesn't seem to mind their name learning time ;-) I'm trying not to worrry. This happens every time, someone suddenly gets a puppy elsewhere after waiting and waiting. I think I'd still rather have a little while worrying about where a puppy will go than to tell people I have a puppy for them and then make them wait. Mayor Bumble (Spotty)'s people were hoping for a Doodlebug puppy last summer but those babies were too high drive for them. I think we got the right fit and I', glad they waited for him.
We've been playing walking on leash. The leash really doesn't do anything, they wear it and I go with them or coax them along with me. As with everything else, I like it to be a good experience for them. It may be a little harder for me but nothing about puppies is exactly easy (except loving them.) I may try taking them with a big dog on leash a time or two today. I'm not certain whether that will decrease my time spent or increase it (I've been taking the big dogs out on leash as well so they don't have to brave the puppy needle teeth swarm to walk the plank.
They are about the cutest things ever at nighty, nighty, nighty time. They are so enthusiastic about getting into the crates and getting their treat. They are even starting to understand that it doesn't do any good to go into a crate that is occupied by another puppy so that part of bedtime goes quickly. I have deduced that if I take them out and wait for potties before I go into the pool room, they do a better job of going. If they see me in the pool room, they are 'ready' to come in and go to bed whether they have finished pottying or not and that makes them have a long night. They are holding it all night long but they are ready to go pee when I get them up. They are still quiet in the mornings but I don't want to wait until they fus to get them up. More of that positive experience thing.
Baths are on the agenda today. One of the big dogs pooped in the night (outside, they just used the dog door) and when the puppies had morning wrestlemania after breakfast, 2 of them ended up rolling through it. They've all been playing in the planter/dirt box (they have pulled up all of the plants that were there all winter so I don't think they will come back. It was a pretty hard witner so I wasn't sure they'd come back anyway but I was smart enough NOT to replant while the puppies are here) too so everyone will earn their bath.
Maybe I'll the sisters to the pond today before giving them showers. Hopefully, the geese with the goslings won't attack them. So far, they just jump in the pond and swim away when we go near the pond. Maybe they'll do that even with the girls swimming - at least if they don't chase the babies. This is the first time they've managed to successfully have goslings. I guess we didn't go up there enough the last month. 5 years ago, they nested but the eggs werre found and consumed by the big dogs. SInce Bela had goose egg in utero, she might've had a taste for them. I am not a fan of brids so we'll have to make sure we run them off prior to hatching out babies in future years.
The puppies are ready for monring naptime so I am going to try to go back to sleep. I stayed awake too late last night and I am behind on my normal schedule anyway. Puppy breath to all

Cristi Fogus Wetherholt (Blindchick)
Allyn Portuguese Water Dogs - Structure,Temperament, Drive...ALL IN!
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