Thursday, May 7, 2015

May 7, 2015 Pupdate

Hmmm, let;s see what have we done today. We went outside to potty and had some breakfast. We had company come by to meet them and they were very happy to see her and try to help her with her shoelaces ;-)
We had some one on one time out in the 'big yard' off leash and they all did a great job with recalls and exploring. We practiced some on our new names. And napped some.
It was pretty warm so we cooled down with the hose. I was initially just spraying the deck to make it cooler and over the ez up, too but the puppies really like the spray so we played making it rain and they also drank some and pawed at the stream of water. They had a water dog tendency to stick their head directly in the stream of running water so they managed to stay cooler.
Eventually, it was too warm for me to leave the a/c off so I brought them inside for afternoon siesta. Apparently they thought I said fiesta and proceeded to have a big cage match for a while. They can certaily run fast in a 12 by 8 space (and use the crate as a tunnel feature (the end doors are off of it.)
They had some chewy time outside this evening before and after dinner and then I brought them in so not so many bugs would join us tonight. I rather like that the flies are back outside (helps me find the poop to clean up) but not so fond of bugs that come inside and bite us.
They are having a little nap now and then we'll go outside again for last call and nighty, ngihty, nighty time. They are SO cute about going into their crates fro bed time. Have I mentioned that I find them adorable? Well, I still do ;-) Puppy breath to all!

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