Sunday, May 3, 2015

May 3, 2015 Pupdate

We didn't have nearly so much to do today so we had a semi quiet day. Bela was barking at 5something this morning so I got up early and let the puppies out to potty, fed them breakfast and put them in the pen before I went back to bed. But before I could get all of the puppies inside, Honey was over the top of the ex pen. I put her back and she did it again so I got the taller one and clipped it onto the short one while i went back to get more sleep. It seems to be working. Unfortunately someone needed to poop again during that naptime. Oh well, 8 week old puppies aren't perfectly potty trained but we are still doing pretty well. They are definitely holding in their crates overnight though.
Bumble had a good first night in his new home. I think they are pretty happy together. Phoebe had some playtime with Caly and her uncle housemate Indy last night.
It was a really nice day so we spent a lot of it outside. I think I will need to put the shade back on the ezup tomorrow, sunny and warm is predicted. We may even have to play with the hose just for fun.
Gilligan is learning his name. I've been using it and then when Colleen came over (Armada needed his hair washed and blown out) she played with him on his name and the clickeer.
The puppies laready do thumpy tail like their grndma and mama (and most of their family), too. If they are sleeping and sort of wake up as I approach, they will thump their tails. It's adorable. It's also adroable if I go out of sight for a while and then sneak back out there. I can tell when one spots me because all of a sudden there is a puppy runnning full speed toward me. It's very endearing. I still find it extremely entertaining when they run around at full speed with toys or ropes in their mouths. Such good little monsters. Wonder who will be first in the crate tonight? They are really cooperative about going in to get their nighty, nighty, nighty snack. I think we'll try it at other times tomorrow, too just to reinforce. Apparently, Phoebe isnt too thrilled with crate time during the day when she could be out on a big dog bed or being held. She didn't do that here but I need to keep everyone in practice just in case. Nighty, nighty, nighty to all

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