Sunday, July 27, 2014

July 27, 2014 Happy 97th Birthday MeeMaw!

The puppies’ human great grandmother (my grandmother) celebrated her 97th birthday today.  They celebrated by drinking themselves into a stupor several times and sleeping it off, only to start again when they awoke.  It was pretty cute.  Several of them even slept on their backs several times.

               We (they) had some visitors today.  Colleen came by and helped me move furniture (she kept the dogs off of the couch so I could move it) and then visited with the puppies.  Then LeAnne and her mom came to visit, too.  That’s one new person on the list.

               We put colors back on the puppies since the MSU and others were having trouble telling them apart. 

               They got to experience some good storms, another one is happening even now.  Maybe they’ll get to experience a power outage but I hope not.

               I can’t believe that they’ve been here almost a week.  Time flies, especially when it’s spent with your face in a pile of puppies.  I’ve been enjoying  the puppy breath though.

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