Friday, July 25, 2014

July 24, 2014 Pupdate

I am sending this again (I’m emailing the posts so I don’t have to remember how to post on the site with JAWS again) because it doesn’t seem to have shown up.  If it duplicates, you don’t have to read it again ;-)

We are starting to have nicknames for the puppies.  The big black curly boy with the green collar is currently being called TJJ thanks for Chris (she has the black curly boy from the last litter, he was known as TJ.)

The brown curly girl with the purple collar is Tootsie Roll or Tootsie for short.  She needed a nickname so people didn’t call her Purp like the previous Purple collar puppies.  Hearing that always makes me think of perp as in perpetrator which actually might be a good name for a PWD but it’s one of those things that only I  can say about one of my babies without it bothering me.

The black wavy girl with the red collar has been Turtle or Caly2 pretty much since birth.  Her markings are very similar.

The brown curly boy (first born puppy) and the brown wavy girl with the pink collar don’t have consistent nicknames but anyone familiar with me (or the blogs) realize that even my adult dogs have multiple names so these puppies will probably go through several different names before they ever leave here.  For some reason, it is hard not to call them Blue and Pink (Cindi’s Indy is so named because he was the Indigo Blue boy and we couldn’t get away from calling him that.)

I THINK I have perfected my system for baby bedding thanks to LeAnne.  I use wading pools because the lack of usable vision thing makes me unable to be sure I get a regular whelping box clean.  So I set up the clean pool (and paranoid person that I am, I always start with brand new ones for each litter) with the linens and switch the puppies over to it.  It’s hard to make sure that SDB and the babies don’t waller it up (it’s like wallowing but involves more rearranging) and have the potential for babies to get tangled up or underneath. We were discussing potential ways to secure it (straps, bungees, etc. – none of those are ideal since the sides are tapered toward the bottom) and LeAnne suggested putting the pool inside of another pool with the linens tucked in between.  Worked great today.  Fortunately, I had a spare spare pool. After transferring the puppies, I can wash the bedding and sanitize the pool so it’s ready for the next linen change.

Colleen and Bobby came to take their pictures and start socialization.  (That reminds me, I need to start my list of unduplicated people they’ve met.  It’s more important after they are 4 weeks old but if I don’t keep this list, I might not know who doesn’t get on the second list.)  We’ll try to get the pictures on facebook and picasa (I’ll link the picasa album once the pictures are there and I remember how to do things on the blog other than just posting.)  In my defense, playing with puppies and occasionally sleeping while the MSU watches the puppies takes up a LOT of my time ;-)

Anyway, SammieDoodlebug was pretty happy to see them once she determined who they were.  Jack greeted with the muffler in his mouth, happy bark that there were new people here to let him retrieve.  Jill was sounded the alarm and was prepared to mount a defense if necessary and SammieDoodlebug waited to see if she needed to come out of the box to be the second line of defense.  When she saw it was Colleen, she barked and jumped up on her and then ran over to show her the babies.  She kept making sure Colleen was following her.

Jill alternated between keeping an eye (and a nose) on Bobby to make sure he didn’t try to put one of them in his pocket and peeking over Colleen’s shoulder at the ones still in the box.  During the photo shoot, we had to keep moving Jill’s head out of the way so Bobby could get a picture of the puppies.

Everyone is still eating well (including the MamaBug) and generally being adorable.  It seems to come naturally to them ;-)


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