Saturday, July 26, 2014

July 25, 2014 Pupdate

               Yesterday’s post didn’t post until I resent it.  I wonder what email address I ended up using and who may have gotten a weird Pupdate email.  I could go look in sent mail but that’s more trouble than I’m willing to take at the moment. I will be more careful and listen to the FULL address that outlook offers to me in the future though.

               SammieDoodlebug is a little more willing to leave the box to run outside and walk the plank (meaning I only had to invite her but didn’t have to put the leash on to get her to go.)  She still hurries back inside to her babies though.  The MSU said they had a quiet night, too.  She still occasionally asks for service and I comply but she’s getting up to get a drink a few times a day.  This evening, she actually got out of the box and took a little stroll around the room.  She was out about 30 seconds but she was out.  The puppies are also moving around the box better and sleeping in piles not always touching her.  It is rare that they aren’t at least touching each other though.

               We had a real weight watcher’s meeting tonight.  They were not any more cooperative for the MSU than for me but he can see the numbers change on the scale and pick one whereas it waits for it to stabilize before it talks.  It confirmed my suspicion, they are growing.  3 are over a pound (one of them started out over a pound) and the other 2 are closing in fast at 14 and 15 oz.  Tootsie is almost as heavy as her brother Blue.  They are surprisingly strong for such little things, too.

               TJJ was sleeping with his mouth open yesterday and one of the brown ones tails was in his mouth.  I got iffen to take a picture but when I started fiddling with that, SDB got interested in what I was doing  and found a spot of dirty on them that had to be licked off immediately.  Oh well, not sure it would’ve been much of a shot anyway.

               The quest for the perfect setup continued.  I sewed the fleecy pad to the lined that I put inside the box so I don’t have to worry about anyone getting underneath.  I did the first one by hand and was going to do the others on the machine but the fleece gets hung up and broke a needle.  I guess I’ll sew the others by hand, too.  It’s more like tacking it down since I want to be able to take them apart for washing if necessary.

               And speaking of washing, I am SOOO happy I didn’t get a front loading washer.  I can put stuff in to soak and then turn it off and add more until I have a full load.  I KNOW it’s a high efficiency washer but I can’t stand to do a partial load.  (It still uses electricity and the motor even if it is using less water. End of non-puppy related rant.)  I hope it doesn’t decide to die now that I’ve bragged about how much I like it. It’s only 6 years old and is perfect for when I have puppies.  I go through a lot of linens, cloths and white vinegar with puppies.

I don’t understand how the little things get cuter and sweeter each day but they certainly do.  I’ve been trying to limit my puppy breath huffing but it’s very hard.  I’m can quit whenever I want, though ;-)  I guess if I started looking for it on the street, I might have a real addiction, I just binge on it when it’s available.


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