Thursday, February 27, 2025

2/27/25 pupdate

All made it outside to poop in the morning.  We had breakfast outside after playing a while (and pottying) but it (I) was very cold again so took them inside before they were ready for first nap.

 I’m working on treat taking but they are more interested in cuddles than food so far.  I should probably do that before they eat but I don’t want desperate puppies either.

  Uncle Daddy had pt and then picked up our grocery order so we had some more options for afternoon practice.  String cheese is helping them learn.  Their MarmieCarmie is a little interested at times - I can’t tell if that helps or hinders ;-)

It was very windy and overcast a chunk of the day so I took them in for their naps a few times but they don’t nap as long, especially when MarmieCarmie goes in to ‘clean up’ the treats they haven’t consumed.  I did let them experience light rain, too but we went inside to be certain they didn’t get too cold.  Of course, they’ve had milk snack and water as well as soaked food poured all over them too because they are truly little PWDs so they get in the stream frequently 🤣

  We had a BIG windstorm in the evening but they slept through most of it.  It blew the outside (empty but upside down) pool well out into the yard and even the lid from the castle sand box so it rained on the toys I’d put in there to keep them dry.

  The puppies didn’t care that things were wet or in odd places (I move everything around all of the time anyway to keep it new to them)

  I brushed GrandPaw Deja on the grooming table outside after their lunch.  I left the girls in their crates so it would be only him on the table (both love the table and MarmieCarmie is especially fond of being brushed so he really needed a turn)

  They also don’t mind going outside in the dark or cold (another way they have better temperaments than I do)

   Uncle Daddy had driven most of the day again so we were both pretty tired (I again neglected to nap when they did) so we all went to bed after the post dinner pottying.  The pupsters played semi quietly and then went to sleep.  I set the alarm for midnight snack of string cheese.  MarmieCarmie went in to clean up the leftovers and let them nurse and we all went back to nighty nighty nighty

  And they’ve started cuddling together in the (open) crates at night. 

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