Saturday, February 8, 2025

02/08/25 Pupdate

The puppies had a good night for a pleasant tomorrow and greeted me happily again this morning.  Have I mentioned that they are absolutely some of the cutest things ever?  Well they are!

I waited to change their linens until MarmieCarmie’s humama arrived so she could wrangle them.  When they are motivated, they can easily come out of the pool so I try to do ti when they are sleeping but MarmieCarmie likes to liven them up for me ;-). They’d just been eating when she was almost here (they weren’t all done but Uncle Daddy opened the door to vacuum in the space between the doors and she MUST alwaus go greet him.  The pupsters frequently get interrupted meals when she ‘needs’ to go say hi.  It won’t be too long before we start feeding them, too so it won’t matter as much (judging by their strength and activity level plus increasing neck sizes, it’s not a real issue now either/. I just worry)

So after greeting the big dogs and passing  their inspection, Grandma Lana soothed each puppy back to sleep while I changed linens.  Fortunately I wasn closely supervised by Elle and Carmie so I didn’t mess anything up too badly ;-)

I put some of the Totofit equipment in and the gym mobile in for when they woke up and were transferred back.  MarmieCarmie refused to allow her puppies to play with one of the electronic toys I put in with them today.  The first time, she just moved it but when I started it again while the puppies were interacting, she came in and took it away.  I tried trading her for the rubber chicken but she wasn’t having either of them in there.  We’ve currently settled for the vtech piano toy and one of the light up sound button that sounds like space invaders.

    Since I’ve increased the pen, there’s now room for me to lie down with the puppies (as long as the gym molbile isn’t in there), I need to have a pillow though.  The caterpillow isn’t nearly as comfortable as the pupsters make it seem.  I guess I’ll sleep on the ottobenbed beside the pen instead for tonight.  Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all! 

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