Up shortly after daylight and outside where Aunt Mama kept complaining about the cold (there WAS a little solid water in the flying saucer dish). We pottied and played a while. She then fed us outside but regretted it and carried it and us back inside because she was certain we were cold
Finished breakfast in pen with cuddling then we were sleepy so it was nap time. She left Uncle Daddy in charge and went to warm her feet up in hot water in the bath tub.
We napped a good while so she cut out our baby blankets while the sun finished being piped in the holler. Then we went out to play again!
She’d brought out more adventuring equipment for us and a few things for the old puppies so they can choose to be out of reach but still out here with all of the rest of us. We’re certain if we keep at it, we’ll be able to cuddle up there with them!
Except for today’s off schedule puppy, we were settling in for naptime as it was getting more and more shady on the patio so Aunt Mama carried us inside and let the lone awake puppy have something she calls “only dog time” ( except the big dogs were still with us). That puppy soon went into one of the outdoor napping spots so she came inside, too.
Not too long afterward, Uncle Daddy got home so they fiddled with something out front - they didn’t even take any of the big dogs to help, it couldn’t have been very fun or important.
Then they let us out to potty and carried us to the metal puppy safety area in something called a ‘new van’. They seemed to like it but kept talking about how to arrange things in it. There is room for both big metal dog safety boxes (they call them crates) in the back without taking any of the seats out of it. These people never seem to finish arranging things- Aunt Mama’s been doing it almost non stop since we were born!
We rode to ‘the mall’ and home again with only minor fussing on the way and none after we’d started back home. Best of all, none of us were carsick - not even Aunt Mama! (She’s always the most likely to be car sick but at least she can’t vomit any more since they fixed her hiatal hernia)
They set us out of the van and let us go into the yard like big dogs. We were happy to rumpus around and take a little nap before dinner and company. We met 4 new people and experienced one using a walker. We went back outside to potty after they left and ran around and played and played even though it was dark and Aunt Mama said she was cold and took us back in the house. But she’s introducing us to treats so that worked out ok. Nighty, ngihty, nighty. Puppy breath to all
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