How are they already 6 weeks old???? They are mucj more like little dogs now and the needle teeth are definitely well under way but they can’t be this old!
The pupsters were playing semi quietly at daylight. I fed them breakfast and tried to go back to sleep for a while; the puppies were fine with that but the big dogs were hunting wabbits (except they were NOT being very very quiet). So we played some and cuddled some and I went in to get dressed. One of the puppies was not happy. At all and wanted out. So I carried her around with me while I dressed, etc. I took her outside and let her potty and run around wiht the big dogs and come in and out of the laundry room while I did the laundry. Eventually, she settled down again and went to sleep in the castle.
Around 10:30, they woke up raring to go so we went outside. It was sunny and warmish but the ground was still pretty cold. They didn’t seem to notice and enjoyed finding the ice from the pitcher that I’d dumped out (we’d left it outside last night and it was frozen). There was much running amok; some playing with the big dogs and a lot of playing with one another. It was kind of windy but it didn’t bother them at all.
They discovered the remaining snow was at the fence line so spent a lot of time there before deciding that the BEST snow was through the fence between the bushes. Eventually, that was more than I could deal with tracking and I worry about the hawks, etc. so I rounded them up and brought them inside again. Unsurprisingly (except to them), they were very ready for a nap.
While they slept, I put the ex pen on the fence to contain them to a safer territory (I still won’t leave them out alone because of the aforementioned BOP though). I finished up about the time they were due their next meal so we went outside for a picnic.
That met with their approval and after eating, they all pottied - several of them actually went out into the grass or rocks to potty. Smart babies! Although there were quite a few toys out there for them; once again; apparently nothing
beats a dried up leaf or the blanket over their bed.. Shoestrings are also popular but I don’t generally wear laced shoes around them so they had to make do with the MSU’s.
Eventually they all started wearing down and finding spots to sleep. Their choice of spots did not always coincide with my idea of good spots so we did some compromising. Which is a nice way of saying I kept moving them from the cold pavers in the shade onto beds and blankets. It was nice as long as we stayed in the sunshine but the shade is pervasive this time of year so I kept moving into the sun. And puppies would wake up and go find a new spot in the shade on the last remaining ice they could find.
I brought them inside to finish their napping and brought more of the outside toys and gates around for them for tomorrow, At least I thought it was for tomorrow. They had entirely different ideas after dinner and they needed to potty. It started with one of them telling us quite quite clearly that she needed to go O U T. She was not the puppy who cried wolf, she actually went out and pooped in the grass like the good girly she is. I brought her back inside and a few more started fussing so I put on my coat and we went outside.
They ran, they played, they pooped and peed - mostly off of the patio even (although one of them was standing on the edge and pooping into the rocks. I’m not deludng myself that was completely inentional but it was pretty good balancing at the very least.). They continued to play some but then Auntie Elle participated in the Evening Bark with dogs in the distance so they very wisely gathered around their MarmieCarmie. I wasn’t overly warm so that seemed like a good time to come back inside so we did. A few were ready for naptime; a couple wanted to cuddle; and a couple still wanted to play chew on me. Eventually, they all settled in.
We’ll have another little snack and a cuddle but I am NOT planning to take them outside again tonight. I’m already traumatized that they’ll insist on a trip outside right after breakfast tomorrow. In the scheme of things, it’s a good problem to have but I’m dreading next week when the polar vortex comes and they insist on playing outside anyway. Nighty, nighty, nighty - puppy breath to all!
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