Sunday, February 2, 2025

2/1/25 Pupdate

Not exactly 2 months old but this is the puppies’ second month ;-). Happy February - one step closer to Spring!  And the puppies have managed to become even more adorable which should come as a surprise to no one.

They have now been exposed to the air conditioning.  There was no way I was going to be able to sleep with it 75 degrees so I made sure they weren’t in a draft and turned on the a/c for a little while. They didn’t seem to notice but I and the big dogs were MUCH more comfortable afterward.

I finally created a place to put the photos.  I should’ve put them in an OF account considering A: how cute these puppies are🥰 and B: how frequently my feet are in the pictures 😳. At any rate, I’ve created a facebook page for them called Carmela puppies.  So far, it has only let me post the photos from today but I will keep working on that.  It’s harder for me to do from my phone but I also haven’t shared all of the photos to my ipad (I may be the only person in the world who doesn’t like everything to go to all of their devices or mostly on the cloud. If I could see, I’d probably still use hard copies, too.🤷‍♀️)

I did change out the ferret ex pen in the front of their castle for the taller (rabbit?) version because they were about to go over it.   Marmie Carmie, who can easily clear the back of the couches should she so desire, keeps knocking the little fence as she goes in or out of it.  I added the potty pan, too.  And as soon as they woke up, one of the puppies actually took her little dog self over there and squatted and peed nice as you please.  I have no doubt it won’t be that easy but it was pretty nice.  MarmieCarmie was not as happy about it because she had to move the little grate to clean it up.  I’m not going to fight with her about that, I’ve had ONE litter where the dam didn’t do puppy clean up and that was MORE than enough!

New toys today included the rubber chicken.  MarmieCarmie is absolutely not a fan of it.  Eventually, she picked it up and carried it around looking for a place to hide it.  She finally buried it under a crate pad in one of her ‘digging crates: and I put it back away.  None of the girls have loved hearing them when we have puppies but usually they want it WITH the puppies.  (Mila kept hers in the pool/pen unless we threw it to get her to give us a minute with the real puppies). But the Mama gets what she wants within reason (or something that approximates reason)

The puppies met the MSU’s mom today.  It was quite a feat to get the big dogs to let her to see the puppies.  (MarmieCarmie has instituted stop and frisk for me, even.  This morning, I was going to go inside and started putting my phone into my shirt pocket and she jumped up and pulled my arm down so she could check it.). After I’d put the puppies back in the pen and was cuddling them, MarmieCarmie was feeding them but I hadn’t brought her brush with me.  She made it clear that was not acceptable so the MSU gave it to me and she was happily brushed. 

Puppy breath to all!  Nighty, nighty, nighty 

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