Saturday, January 25, 2025

01/25/25 Pupdate

We had a big day today.  First Aunt Mama rearranged a little  and then Aunt Cindi and Aunt LeAnne came to visit.  MarmieCarmie and GrandPaw Deja were very excited to see them.  After they greeted the big dogs, they came over and held us.

As usual, MarmieCarmie was very involved but she eventually decided that it was ok for them to hold us as long as we all stayed right there.  

They sat on the floor with us so that helped soothe her.  It was time for us to eat so we had a picnic!  This floor was pretty smooth so they had to keep helping us get our footing with fleece.  They seemed to pay more attention to it than we did though.

Aunt LeAnne held each of us so that Aunt Mama could trim our nails ‘different’. That woman is almost obsessed with doing “different,” something about it helping our development. But there are some things she does the same every day like puppy yoga.  We’ll figure out more about people, the older we get.  Our MarmieCarmie definitely knows how to tell them what she wants so she had her hair brushed while we had our picnic.  We also had our collars afjusted.  Well, except for Little Brown Puppy because he is streaking again.

After we’d eaten and were ready for a nap, Aunt Mama did some more rearranging and then we got to meet our Aunt Elle.  She didn’t pay too much attention to us at first, she was very happy to see her daddy Deja and our MarmieCarmie but she did sniff the blankie we’d used pretty hard but at that time we were still behind the ex pen.  She eventually showed a little interest in us but when our MarmieCarmie came closer to us, she moved away.  She’ll probably be a lot of fun for us as we get older.  Right now, she’s going to help protect us from intruders and play with GrandPaw Deja and our MarmieCarmie if she feels like it but right now she’s taking her  mothering responsibilities very seriously.

A couple of us are pretty close to going over the wall.  When we open our eyes, Aunt Mama is probably going to have to redo our area again. We’re getting closer.  For now, we’re going to say Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all! 

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