Thursday, January 23, 2025

01/23/25 Pupdate

  Carnela is willing to spend more time outside of the pool - UNLESS I am doing anything with a puppy other than hanging out in there with them.  At that point, she is right there interfering.  I’m certain that she maintains am the one interfering since they are HER babies but I’m the one who can type so I can report it my way.

Night before last, I brought the other twin mattress out into the rubber room and put it on the floor beside the pool.  The ottobenbed is the perfect height for me to lie there with my arm in the pool when I am lying on the side facing it.  But, in the last 4 years (since we had puppies last time), Deja’s chosen spot to cuddle is curled up next to my chest.  His GrammieSammie’s spot was the whole bottom so this is what he had left, plus it’s really sweet.  I can’t just lie there with my hand in easy reach of the puppies, I have to hold onto him and lean up and over.  That is much less restful and I’m quite behind on sleep as it is.

This way, I can reach over Deja and not worry about knocking him off into the pool and squishing puppies,  (Deja is not about to let that happen, he is very good to hop up from what I always think is a dead sleep when I make a move towards getting up.  He somehow can tell the difference between rearranging the covers or pillow or anything and getting up, he’s a very good boy). But this seems like it’s more restful to me.  Carmela is fine with this arrangement and alternates between sleeping in with the puppies; on the ottobenbed; or on this mattress with us.

What I did figure out is:  I can frequentlly reach over and sneak a puppy out to cuddle.  Apparently, it’s close enough that she doesn’t notice the big change in the scent or the movement of me reaching in and out or something.  So Deja and I have finally gotten some cuddles with each of his grandpuppies (because they cuddle up between my chin and him).  I can’t get away with it if she is out and about - going out to potty or to partake of the nice ice water (snow, she’s going to be sad if it ever all metls and she has to go back to drinking the water I provide for her in the house 😂); she catches the scent and noses her way in to rile the puppy up until I give it back. I’m pretty sure she gives me a smug look at that point.

I managed to cut every puppy’s toenails again today. I usually get at least the front nails done but I did them one after another today while she mostly supervised.  And I noticed that their hair is growing, too!  I just use human nail clippers to take the sharp tips off so it always needs done but now their hair is getting in the way a little, too.  I’m thinking about little lion butts in a few weeks now.  (Even I will not do it at this age but I think it would be awfully cute.  They are already cuteness overload, the world might not be able to handle lionized itty bitties)

Speaking of lionizing, they are all getting pretty good at roaring on cue so I can sniff some puppy breath.  Good puppies!

And while they are having spa treatments in the pool, Carmela has apparently decided that I also need to do hers in there as well.  So a few times a day, I brush her hair while she feeds the puppies.  I’m pretty certain she is the first that has requested that.  I’d think she was trying to avoid being brushed but she was pretty clear about taking the brush to the pool and then nudging it to me until I started brushing her hair.  I got the happy tail thump when I started and asked if that was what she wanted and a big contented sigh.  The poor puppies had to contend with her eventually turning onto her back so I could get the spot she wanted done on her chest but they were mostly either done or managed to get back up there.  Little brown puppy managed to stay attached, there are some benefits to being smaller.  

Every now and then I get paranoid about his being so much smaller than the others so I steal him and take him in to weigh.  He’s gaining just fine and told me he was having NONE of that bottle feeding crap I was trying.  I’d already gotten it ready so I gave it a shot after weighing him and it wasn’t necessary to tueb feed him.  I tried offering it to a couple of the others who seem to be willing to eat anything (they will put a big hickey on her tummy if they somewhow get attached to the wrong spot so it seemed like they might be hungry.  NOPE, my streak of refusals is still pretty well intact.  Carmela was willing to drink it though.  Maybe just because moms don’t like to let their children’s food go to waste :-)

I’m going to go sneak some puppy breath as we do puppy yoga and then try to go Nighty nighty nighty.  (And maybe get some more puppy cuddles, too). Puppy breath to all

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