Sunday, January 19, 2025

01/18/25 Pupdate

We had company today!  Carmela’s humama and Aunt CIndi came to meet the puppies.  Carmela was happy to show off her babies and get some extra pets and scratches, too.

Having company did not mean she relaxed her standards though.  I managed to let Lana hold a couple of different puppies but only snuck one to Cindi.  Cindi did get to hold hers longer because Carmela was distracted by Lana’s various puppies.  We did get the collars back onto the 3 streaking puppies and adjust the ones that were tight again.

As always, everyone is welcome to join the puppies IN the pool by Carmela. She’s a good hostess but very much a helicopter mom at this stage.  My grand plans of getting to hold a weight watchers meeting while we had extra hands/distractions was pretty much an epic fail.  For one thing, Carmela is still very interested in the scale (I’ve tried weighing random objects like spoons in case she was worried about it in relation to puppies but she’s still obsessed). It’s hard enough to get the puppies to hold still-ish long enough for the scale to announce the weight but with her nosing around there’s not a chance.

Eventually, we attempted to distract Carmela with squirty cheese (Grandpaw Deja got to share in that bounty) as I snagged puppies one at a time and took them inside to weigh them.  That worked ok for the first 3 but since I couldn’t get them back without Carmela noticing, she’d caught onto the game and was not fooled.  She let me have another but was not thrilled with that so I had to wait a little while for her to relax again.  Eventually, she had to go out to potty and I grabbed the last 2 and hurried them inside together. For those of you wjp realized that was only 6 puppies, I decided to use the weight I’d gotten on LBP earlier when I checked to see if he needed topped off.  (He did not - he’s up to 8 oz.)

The girls are fairly closely matched in size: the pounders are Pink (16.5 oz) and Red (16.3 oz); closely followed by green (15.8 oz); Purple (15.2) and Yellow (14.9). Turquoise boy (11.4oz) has been gaining well but the girls started off much larger and are not giving up on their advantage yet. Over 6 lbs of puppy sweetness, I guess Carmela knows what she’s doing so we’ll keep (mostly) following her lead.

Another milestone last night, they started holding up their little tails while nursing last night.  Those little wagging tails are awfully cute but that seems to be par for the course with them.

We’’ve come to a detente on puppy yoga - as long as I do it right beside the pool and let her nuzzle the puppy before and after, she doesn’t interfere overmuch.  Deja also has to lie next to me in case one of them make a break for it, i guess.  I see no reason to stress her out by overriding her parenting decisions since she’s doing such a good job.  A good dam is worth her weight in gold (at the very least.)

Puppy breath to all, Nighty nighty nighty 

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