Sunday, June 3, 2018

06/03/18 Pupdate

We’ve been too busy having BIG fun to blog!
We went to see our Nana and Granddaddy at the campground and saw some new people there too.  We practiced walking around on our leashes some there and we hung out in an ex pen in strange grass and then there was a BIG storm.  We didn’t pay any attention to that but we all went inside anyway.  We looked for stuff to get into but we weren’t allowed to do anything really bad.  After the storm, there were some new ponds to splash through on our way to potty.
We’ve played and played and played with Penny.  She likes to play as much as we do even if she’s kind of funny looking.  Something happened to her hair - it’s the same length all over and there’s not much of it anywhere.  She also snorts alot because her nose is smushed in to her face.  She seems to like it when we bite her and pull her fur but she likes to play inside more than outside most of the time so she’s not so hot.
Haley was here playing with us a few days too but she went to stay with Nana and took Penny with her. We hope she comes back soon!  When she’s here to help watch us, we get to spend more time together outside of the pen so we get to run about and play.
We’ve been playing in the pond after the big dogs take their turns and today we even went on a ride on the new platform on the new boat!  We played on and off of Aunt Cindi’s swim platform at the edge and in the water a little too.  
One of them, we aren’t sure which, jumped up and ripped Aunt Debra’s shorts.  Daddy Jack did that a LOT to my shorts/nightshirts his first summer
When Aunt Cindi and Aunt LeAnne left after ponding Friday afternoon, Deja started to go home with Aunt Cindi.  They got part of the way home and found out that the lawn people were coming so we decided to defer that to another day. 
Yesterday, Uncle Trek came to play while they worked on the boat/pond area.  Since they were coming back today to play in the pond, Deja went home with Aunt Colleen and Uncle Jeremy (and uncles Trek and Armada). Deja and Trek had a LOT of fun and Armada watched from the couch.
We had naps and dinner and have been playing in the yard/on the deck since dinner.   More adventures to come...

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