Monday, June 6, 2016

June 6, 2016 Pupdate

We've been VERY busy having way too much fun.  In fact, we (the humans at least) are exhausted.  THe puppies are sensible enough to take naps but we use that time to hurry up and try to do all of the things we watn with the big dogs and other Villagers.

The puppies are doing very well in their crates at night, no potty accidents and they are sleeping (or at least staying very quiet) until I come to get them up about 6:15.  Im not sure what time sunrise is but it is full on daylight when I get down here and I hear birds clearly through the monitor before I get up.

Yesterday we played outside when it wasn't too hot and then Dog CIndi came and we groomed Jack and cuddled puppies.  We went in and out several times with the pupsters and they played in the wading pool the pit ball pool (which also has some water in it) and the hose.  They kept playing in the planters until I finally moved them out of their reach, the puppies kept smelling like lemony mint dirt.  I prefer lemony mint only ;-)

During their mid afternoon nap, we took James to the pond.  Then there were showers (human and dog) and a lot of the Village came for dinner (we orered, they picked it up).  We had some more playtime outside (it was much cooler by then or at least it felt better, maybe the humidity was just lower) and a nap before last call.  I was not smart enough to nap during any of these times ;-)

I did not use my best judgment for last call last night.  I took the puppies out and crated them before I took the big girls out (Jack can be completely relied upon to take himself outside) and it took the puppies a little longer to settle back down.  But they were asleep not long after I came up to bed (I listen to them through the monitor.)

This am, we were all up and at 'em and then properly back for a nap. The phone woke me up - the puppies rarely get important calls so they slept right through that.    We had another big day o fplaying inside and outside and eating and napping.  I ate twice today so that's better than a lot of days, but I didn't end up taking a nap.

We took the pupsters (there are 3 still here for now), 'Uncle' Jack, grammie Sammie, and Phoebe (mamaMila's first cousin) to the pond.  THey all had big fun, we should have been committed.  But all went well.  There was a lot of voluntary swimming,  a lot of on and off of the swim platform (we started on the blue boat but it is NOT stable enough for 3 big dogs, 3 puppies and me on the platform) - sometimes to shore and sometimes into the water and once, for MayApple, one go completely underwater which, as usual, freaked me out but left the puppy completely unconcerned.  She just swam to shore and then came back for more.  

Once would think that running up the hill to the pond, all around, swimming, running amok more, and eventually running back down the hill to the house, followed by showers would make puppies ready to nap but they ran and ran and gamboled and wrestled until WE were exhausted and took them into the pen.  Where they promptly fell asleep pretty much where they were placed.  At which point, we took James to the pond (I woner if this entry will be evidence for our commitment hearings)

After he had a shower, the pupsters got to watch the MSU mow the grass with the tractor (they seemed to find this fascinating and watched from the edge of the fence) and then he mowed the dog yard for me, too.

The pupsters are napping until time for last call and I am going to rest until then too I think.  6:10 seems to come early and I need to keep her up and tiring out for the first leg of her journey home. Hopefully, I won't be in a Fudgesicle coma tomorrow night but one nevers knows...

Snowdrops had his journey home today and he was kind enough to send us a couple of updates.  Sounds like he had a big day so I hope he has a good night, too. 

Puppy breath to all, Nighty Nighty Nighty

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