Tuesday, March 4, 2025

3/4/25 Pupdate

   Have I mentioned how utterly adorable these puppies are?  It bears repeating.  They are so cute waiting for us to pet them; let them out; let them in; pick them up; etc., etc.   Running amok in the yard chasing leaves or one another is also pretty darn cute.

   The vet came today to give their first vaccine (the nomograph results were to do the first at 7 weeks); microchips and an exam.  They were all little troopers and enjoyed meeting her.  They’ve yet to meet a atranger.   Having squirty cheese on the grooming table didn’t make them unhappy either ;-). The boys even let her feel both of their testicles in the right place.  Now that they have microchips and AKC registration numbers, I can complete the online forms for their CAER (fka CERF) exams.

   It’s been a nice day so we’ve spent most of it outside.  After puppy lunch, I brought out cushions and a yoga mat and placed them in the sunshine.  I was very popular lying there.  The big 3 love that game but did keep moving away for the little Sharptooths to get it out of their system.  I didn’t end up sleeping but it was a lot of fun.  I may’ve lost some hair though. 😉

   They’ve spent a fair amount of the afternoon covered in dead dry grass (it’s still dormant and I didn’t overseed this fall) from having BIG practicing to be Portuguese Waller Dogs.  I get it off and they speed off to do it again.  Their Auntie Elle is proud of their efforts (she’s very fond of making her own Ghillie suits). The big 3 are sporting some themselves because they’ve been zooming around together on occasion as well.  I usually put a halt to that quickly because the littles think it looks like a LOT of fun and try to join them.  The big 3 have pretty good proprioception and clear the pupsters but  that’s a lot of moving parts for me to worry about colliding.

   I tried to utilize one of their nap times this afternoon to start arranging things for their nighttime crates but they kept waking up and coming to help me.  I’ll need to gate that door too now.  I’ve been using it to sneak out with their food since they know we use the others and I think they’ve noticed.  It’s hard to sneak much past them so they know it is of interest.  I didn’t get it set up but we’re going to go Nighty, nighty, nighty in the crates in the pen again tonight anyway.  Puppy breath to all 

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