Good morning good morning the little dogs say! While they were outside this morning, MarmieCarmie kept going back inside the house. I thought she was after the lamb ears in their castle but we were having a poopathon and it’s easier if I get it as they do it instead of trying to find all of it later. She was after their lamb ear but she brought it outside to them. (Auntie Elle waited until the puppies weren’t chewing it and took it though. Apparenlty, she thought they’d had long enough)
2 puppies mastered the dog door this morning. 1 of them has been watching it a long time but couldn’t quite reach their back legs up high enough to get through it but the first one just appeared out in the pool room where the Big 3 were watching me prepare everyone’s breakfast. I guess they came to see what was taking so long. If these puppies review me on Yelp (or whatever the dog version is), it’ll say great food but the service is MUCH too slow! It went in again when I went into the utility room to check the laundry. After that, it was obviously not a one off and I’ll have to keep track or block the door.
As I was changing out their linens, the MSU was sitting outside with them. The first puppy came in to watch the Big 3 watch me and eventually followed them back out through it. What a smart puppy. After that happened a couple of times, another one came in,too. This it the one who has been trying but just wasn’t quite tall enough. The MSU texted me that they had come inside, too. So they watched and helped me some and went back out when there was something of interest to the Big 3 happening outside. They’ve been in and out since.
They met a couple more people - we were starting to be afraid they weren’t going to get to come see them between the ice (our driveway) and floods (their roads) but they made it today. And it was just as the pupsters were settling in for a big morning’s nap so they got to have cuddly puppies after the initial greetings (which reminds me, I think I need to file their nails again because they are sharp). So we sat near the heater and cuddled sleeping puppies.
As puppies are wont to do, they eventually woke up when it was almost time for lunch. Most of them made it off of the patio to go pee (nobody has pooped on the patio since the second day of going outside and will only poop in the potty pan after extreme protests). Also as puppies are wont to do, they eat as if they’ve never been fed and will never be fed again. (Their little tummies tell an obviously different story). They were also more impatent because not only did I have to get their dishes outside, we had to wait for the 2 adventurers to make their way back outside, too.
The rest of the day they played and ran and chased one another and leaves and toys and napped. I did some more grooming on the big dogs on the table outside with them so they could stay familiar with the sounds. It’s not a great job (you get what you get when the Blindchick cuts your hair but they at least have somewhat neater butts and muzzles. GrandpawDeja still has Clydesdale feet but we’ll probably wait for Dog Cindi Scissorhands’ hands to be better enough to tackle that. He has the good hair so it’s not a problem to brush. They really like playing in the hair and still consider the leaf blower to be one of the greatest toys in existence.
While the dog show noise cd played for them during a late afternoon nap, Auntie Elle decided that the barking dogs on it must be a threat somewhere so she’d run barking looking for them. The MSU eventually went out to switch it to some other loud music (I hate loud so we usually do that while I’m not in the room). In between stopping one and starting the other, he sang one of the 3 songs (4 when I remember to add Soft Kitty but it’s not ‘traditionally’ part of the bedtime routine 😉) to help the pupsters go back to Nighty nighty nappy..
We took them out a little early because they humans were tired (I’m looking forward to the time change!) . I’ll do last call in the night again (as long as they aren’t expecting to start their day before daylight, it doesn’t really matter if it’s midnight or 2 am as long as they don’t have a potty emergency). Nighty, nighty, nighty. Puppy breath to all!